Reverse strategy

Some suggest, what if we take opposite input signals from losers or people, unaware of the market, then a successful reverse model can be built. Sounds , certainly, attractively!!!
but, if you are successful, why do you need this model, and if not successful, then apply reversibility to your trade.
to me , indirectly, I had to observe this approach in the company, who wanted to apply such an algorithm, but the result was negative.
The problem is, that it is impossible to turn on the algorithm at the right time, when losers all merge together at the same time. Every loser can produce after 10-20 consecutive negative trades, 10-20 consecutive positive trades. Даже если собрать таких неудачников и изучить их на одном рынке и изучить их поведенческий pattern, trying to filter them by standard deviations and trying to include them when they already did 10-20 positive and expecting, that now they will start draining, then you can again get into a non-standard position and drain a lot of money. Besides, this mass of losers is still self-taught and even Lukeria will not repeat the same mistake and therefore not a reverse system will turn out, a random system.
In other words, не так уж просто, as it seems at first glance. Too many variables, which are not easy to formalize, including the psychological factor, despite the seeming possibilities of automation.

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