I decided to play Forex

Thought, thought and decided to play forex. For this I created a trading system. It is clear that intraday play is unrealistic for many reasons., the main one is the need for constant presence at the computer. It's possible, certainly, withstand a week, well two, maximum, but then, all the same, life will take its toll and signals will be skipped and this will no longer be a systemic trade, but it is not clear what. In this regard, it is not clear how various seminar gurus and other near-market dealers are engaged in active trade., who are constantly at seminars, then at parties, then on TV, somewhere else they constantly flicker — no other way than trading from a mobile phone, quick between things on smoke breaks or coffee breaks making a lot of money. Otherwise, this phenomenon cannot be explained.. Since I'm not that capable, then I need a system, которая позволила бы присутствовать у компьютера всего раз в день несколько минут для того чтобы посмотреть schedule, place an order and this would be the end of the event. And this is understandable, as trading on hourly charts, be sure to be at the computer every hour, trading on five minutes , you need to check the schedule every five minutes, but trading by day, really check the position only once a day. Based on this objective reality, this short-term system was created., which holds the position for a maximum of two days.

At first, the system will be trading with a minimum amount of funds to check the functionality. The following currency pairs will be monitored:

And this is a back test on historical data with 1991 years without reinvestment. Therefore, you do not need to pay attention to the indicators expressed as a percentage.:

Distribution of profitability by years:

Distribution of profit by instrument:

To begin with, I decided to play with a little money., so to speak, system trial period. After studying the FXTrader application for the InteractiveBrokers terminal, came to the conclusion that it is quite convenient for trading. You can trade any amount of money, that is, not necessarily just a lot in 100 000 or mini lot in 10 000. You can at least 39 560 or any other. That is, you can select positions quite flexibly.. Truth, for each currency there is a minimum position and it is approximately $25 000 or in another currency according to the exchange rate. Leverage is provided for major currencies 40:1. They take quotes from 19 the largest providers, therefore, at any time you can find the best offer and demand. Hence the very small spread for the major currency pairs. — about half a tick. And this is what FXTrader looks like:

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Trade will be outlined here:

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