Ренд.. и снова Ренд..

You have to love the work itself, not minor consequences!

This is one of the main theses Books, which holds the whole point.
And I talked about this at any of my seminars in the general part.

But many stubbornly refuse to understand this..
I will translate into a more accessible language:

To stay in the market in the long term, yes, and make money, need to work on it NOT BECAUSE:

– here you can fucking earn or earn. Big mani. Millions. Billions.
– not because it is very easy and convenient. Not because you DO NOT need to run somewhere to work, to be tied to some city, not because it can be done anywhere and anytime.
– not because you don't work for your uncle.. and you can do your business like this, as you want
– not because it's kind of fashionable and prestigious.. work for “white collar workers”..
– not because Earning(!) in the market you feel smarter than everyone else)) which gives you importance and self-affirmation))))
– not because your business is being freed from the influence of other people (officials, security officials, crime and stuff). It all depends only on your potential.
– and so on and so on…

AND THEREFORE, what this is your favorite work and this is the work of your life, this is your hobby and passion. Concrete Trading.. nothing near-market. Only deals.. the very execution of transactions.. the process itself.. Waiting for your deal… Market surveillance.. Monitoring your position.. Take profit. And stop-loss too.
The pleasure of being, what exactly are you doing. And you do it like this – how do you understand that.

  John Taylor

Because if it isn't.. if you screw yourself up.. – better immediately IDINAHUISMARKET.
In your trading, the realization will inevitably come one day:

– what the fuck is fucking earning, it turns out that risk management must be observed after all. And to trade with low risk and earn big money – you need a fucking depot, but for this – you need a fucking experience, and for this you need a fucking lot of time and that in the next few years you are doomed to earn “pennies”, and not BIG MANI, the thought of which hypnotized you..
– that in practice it is impossible to trade anywhere and anytime, because for trading you need 4 + monitor and carry them everywhere is not possible. And whenever you like – too, because if you miss your entrance – you might miss the whole trend.. And because of that, that you fucked up the right day, you will fuck with the whole week or month.
– and that when you still grow up to be a manager and take a fucking depot into control – You will understand, so much profit cannot be withdrawn, as much as you want and then, when you want and take such a risk, whatever you want and don't pay taxes if you don't want to do it “simple” (stupid not to work) such – whatever you want.. and you will understand that you are doing nothing else, how do you work for uncle
– and the fact that you are actually NOBODY and NOTHING will inevitably come to you one day..
– and what are you not “white collar”, but just lazy mediocrity, which is not capable of anything, living in a world of her own illusions
– and what if you finally do BIG BABLO, then its use will intersect with people, with whom you would not want to deal with and thought that you would never have…
– and that it's time to go…


And only that, who is just doing their job, just because he can't live without it – will always work here…  How “Howard Roarke”… Despite everything…

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