I recommend! Book "Total Recall" A. Schwarzenegger

Hello, friends!

Ends old 2013 year and a new one 2014. It just so happened, that at the end of the year we are summing up the results of the work done and hope, that next year life will be better. However, these are often just empty hopes and dreams.. And that's all because, that we don't have a textbook on life, where we could find answers to questions.

Я очень люблю читать и читаю практически каждый день все новые и новые Books. And this is not detective stories and pulp fiction. Also, I do not pay attention to science fiction yet..

I like business literature, leadership books, motivation, psychology, успехе

I have good news for you. Life textbook now on sale. And its author is no one else, how «Iron Arnie». Book "Total Recall" A. Schwarzenegger. In truth, before reading the book, I had little idea who he was. I had before my eyes his posters from sports magazines., then posters from movie posters: Conan, Terminator, superhero, then politician-governor of California…

And now a very special book came across in the bookstore in the sports literature section., which immediately caught my attention.

First, it was big =) About 600 pages and a fairly large resolution «экрана». However, hard to imagine Schwarzenegger's book in pocket format.

Secondly, she was bright and expressive.. On the cover — Arnie's face. And his face, the look exuded some special charm. All in all, i bought this book.

After reading, I can say — this is the main book for those, who wants something more out of life.

We ourselves may sometimes not understand — what do we want. It's just that the heart burns some kind of fire from the inside and just wants something. The global, большого.

Few of us are taught to set truly ambitious goals.. Usually, everything is limited to, to follow the path beaten by previous generations and add a little of your. Climb a little higher — уже хорошо. But there is no joy from this.

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So everyone, who understands what I am writing about here — happy news. Now you have a teacher and his textbook.

Begins book "Total Recall" from the very beginning of life: Arnold was born in a godforsaken Austrian village in the most ordinary family. He had no parents' savings for his soul, our swamps, no necessary acquaintances. But there was a warm heart and ambition. Initially, he was fired up by the sports achievements of his idols-athletes and set himself the goal of becoming the same. In the book, Arnold talks about, how he went to his goal. 5-6 hour workouts every day + Job + studies. He was not distracted by trifles., did not get upset over trifles and did not give up, если что-то не получалось.

He didn't even get 100% support from your family in your hobby. Father spoke, so that Arnold, instead of empty pulling iron, do something useful — chopping wood! But Arnold, like a locomotive — going forward, picking up speed.

Having achieved the set goals in sports, он не прекратил свое education. He absorbed new knowledge all the time.! He met new people and did not turn up his nose.. I can tell, that his contact and good nature to people played into the hands. The guy quickly became overgrown with the necessary connections, especially, that everyone wants to have a reliable, strong, purposeful person.

In parallel, Schwarzenegger studied business, especially, that thanks to their sporting success, he made his dream come true — moved to America. He became one of the immigrants, who built himself, starting from scratch.

Then, when sports successes ceased to satisfy his passionate nature, his attention turned to cinema. And Arnold takes on this new business with his characteristic enthusiasm., энергетикой, literally falling into a new world for him with his head. And this is where he succeeds, using the same principles — murderous capacity for work, the scale of thought, guide to the very top and contact with people. He learns and absorbs knowledge, like a sponge.

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It would be wrong to think, that everything worked out perfectly the first time. This is wrong. The failures were, there was pain and defeat. But instead, to get upset — he made sense of his experience, looked for reasons and next time started all over again, but already being a smarter and more experienced guy.

The book reads very easily and is directly full of interesting stories and thoughts.. While reading, a holistic picture of that, how to build a person's life, who wants to succeed in a particular business. Furthermore, you start to understand, what matters in this life, а чтовторостепенно.

Farther — more. Mr. Olympia and the action hero decides to become a politician. As in the process of transformation from pitching into movie heroes, few people supported his initiative.. But this goal gave a new impetus and qualitative growth in his mind.. Arnold no longer wanted to be content with the role of entertainer.. He wanted to make key decisions, that would improve the lives of millions of people. Even his wife Maria did not support this initiative at first.. But. Such people are probably sent from above for that, to make important key decisions and his path was predetermined, especially since he proved to the gods, what is able to accomplish this task. And fulfilled!

It is rather unusual to hear about political and economic processes., reigning in California, from the mouth of Arnold. Especially, that during his tenure as senator of the state of California there was also an economic crisis 2008 of the year. I caught myself thinking, that I have déjà vu: the presentation resembled a book by Alan Greenspan «The era of turmoil». That is, everything is correct, constructively, based on real facts. Someone from the outside might have thought, that Arnold dabbled in his political game, but it's not.

The last part is especially valuable. book "Total Recall" A. Шварценеггера, in which the author shared his pain. Chapter bears the title «A secret». In it, he talked about, как случилось так, that he had an illegitimate son. Happy family man, отец 4 children and suddenly this…

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Real pain in his words, in his findings. He does not shield himself, does not look for reasons on the side. Takes responsibility. Unfortunately, this fact dealt a blow to his married life. Maria, who was his reliable partner, другом, wife and mother of his children over 30 years, decided to leave. I find it hard to blame her, but I will still say the following.

Maria! Arnold — unique person. In relation to him, you do not need to be guided by the framework of ordinary morality and moral rules.. A new life has appeared, another man on the planet, in which his spark. And who knows — what this guy will achieve and what impact will he have on the world. Can't be faithful to prejudice and indulge in themes, who is not able to step above the philistine worldview. What is treason? What is good or evil? Who will answer these questions? Each era gives its own answers and they often contradict each other..

This book is the Master Life Textbook in my library., and I am very glad, that she got my attention.

The book "Total Recall" A. Шварценеггера can be safely recommended as a gift.

Not without a few editorial errors. There are grammatical errors, there are not many of them, but there is. One sentence omitted the NOT particle, turning the paragraph output upside down. And for some reason the writer Ayn Rand is named «by writer Ayn Random».

I haven't seen a book for a long time, which would awaken such strong emotions and sensations in my heart. Like the fog has cleared in my life and the sun shone. Thanks, Arnold! We will definitely get to know you better and chat! I have such a goal.

All in all, одним словом — «DELIGHT».

I recommend!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Здоровья, good luck and dreams!

May God grant you health, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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