REE – missed opportunity

we have a double risk management system. I guess, this is good. though, in places, still not very. it turns out, if at any moment I need, for example, push the risk, I have to ask our in-house risk manager, and he is already communicating in freelance by e-mail, who is sitting “Over there”, overseas, и уже “Over there” “that” the risk manager makes the necessary changes.. moreover, he can easily sit and meditate on a beautiful volpaper on the desktop, rattle on the phone with his mistress, or a fat ugly wife, and just yesterday I could eat stale pizza, and now his latch is stupidly jammed…

such rules, what can you do… “I do not like? the door is over there”

the first pancake with the laser came out lumpy. No, вы не подумайте! laser – he is almost perfect. now I will not be late for a single printout, and that often happened in sterling – the price has already galloped by 5c, but in the order book I still see the old values ​​and levels.

Yesterday the human factor with double risk management gave a concrete failure. a certain employee “Over there”, named Fr *** put down to me all the risk parameters in the laser on the last calendar day of the month of February, so that the happy Kamushken sat down on March 1 and calmly began to beat the buy-sell keys in the already familiar and reliable laser. almost everything was done right…. 20000 sherz maximum per position, 1000 risk for the day (fuck me so much, me and 700 sometimes a lot). и апосля, mr fr ***, calmly dumped from work, looking forward to tomorrow's first day of spring and, probably buying my wife a bouquet of flowers on the way home, and possibly another pizza, which on March 1st will delay him at the MOST crucial moment because of which I will miss my trade of the day for 1500-2000 dollars net, but we'll come back to this.

  enterprise as a microcivilization, книга

so the 1st of March, I open the laser with a new username, счастливый, with ready-made layout and hotkeys… there is one unpleasant insanity in the laser – the same position limit is for some reason spelled out twice under different names. namely, I mean – Max Shares / TKT и Max Shares / POS. both of them are responsible for the maximum size in a particular trade. and what i see? 20to in one… and HIS MOTHER IS SO 100 sherz in another. how, dear reader, already managed to guess – more 100 I can't put sharks in a glass, no matter how hard I tried.. time about 16:45 MSC, before the opening of the market in SS 45 minutes… stock REE перед моим носом и я уже предвкушаю где и сколько я зашорчу… anyway, looked forward to, until I realized the fatality of the mistake F ****.

incredible luck – our risk manager is already in the office! already at the post! earlier than usual. here he is – a reliable stronghold of heavy traders' whore. I'm on Skype: “ПИЗДЕЦ! спаси, сохрани, help out, what to do, everything is lost, the world is fucked up…”. an application for changing the limits goes over okiyan almost instantly… And… silence… “Over there” do not respond to emails, do not pick up the phone – emergency communication. market already 10 mine is full of ribbons, REE comes to the first point where I wanted to short – 12.15 and with gusto, unhurriedly cheats on her. the first dry lump in the throat Kamushken, swallowed successfully, although in places I visualized, how will spit it in the face of this F ****.. the clock is ticking, heart beats.. here the action is already coming to 12.05.. “from there” still silence. I'm shocked! our risk manager is shocked. golakteko shocked!” (I will blindly believe in it)..

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hopefully clicking on the bookmarks in the laser blotter, switching to Summary, where are the risk limits for my account… once again I see these damned 100 sherz to position… about hospad!!! REE… what a beautiful spread of a small size on 12 on the bid… 2-3put the shorts there – just foreordained. all…. the train leaves in an instant down to 20ts, I am sitting in a shorts with my 100 stocks and secretly hate fr ****, who most likely hates his job, his wife and, Certainly, your boss…

a curtain…


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