Разоблачение разоблачителя :)

Famous Smartlab character with the nickname `` margin ''. Known for four features:

1. Always criticizes and exposes the foundation of a certain Dmitry Solodin.
2. Торгует (ostensibly) straddles on quarterly reports of companies
3. Doesn't know what ATR is

Сегодня утром, while stocks were scanned, viewed Smartlab news. And I noticed interesting details, concerning this popular character. Here she writes another plan of her options trading. — purchase of a straddle before the company's quarterly report with the ticker FAST. The purchase was made yesterday and, по плану, will be closed today during the trading session:


but, a rather curious detail was discovered and an observant reader rightly noticed:



AND, really, no options with the specified strike and expiry date were traded that day……

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