Exposing GTcapital

Remember the lol with a certain neanderthal from a smartlabik, which the tried to retell my ideas in my video?))

So here, in the best traditions, one more office will be on a par with the shameful ArtCapital)
This GT Capital)

The guys don't bother themselves looking for some idea or mission of their own.. They decided to take the most successful representative in their direction. (http://unitedtraders.com/) and it's stupid to rip everything out of there))

They think, that with this they will be able to repeat someone else's success, without thinking with your head.

It got to that, that the structure and content of the site exactly copies http://unitedtraders.com/)
Ie. I know an employee at UT, who personally invented and drew these diagrams, and then she freaked out when I saw them on the GT website as a carbon copy)

Here's an example, оцените)
The menu items are the same

It looks like a trader, trying to trade according to someone else's strategy and advice, because he himself is not able to generate anything worthy.

From here I can say, that this kitchen has no future and cannot have.
I can argue, that in 2013 it will be bent with a probability 99%.

By the way… GT Capital – contingent from smartlabic, because he pays for his annoying advertising on it)) Who would doubt that…

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