budget expenditures, consequences of QE and ukrrynok

Budget expenditures.
In Bloomberg, in some places very interesting `` economic daily '', no matter how you pay for it. Not that, to something important, but useful interesting things often come across. Here, Really, I didn't get it, why subtract FFR, but the general idea is already clear.


Consequences of QE.
As opposed to 'the markets are driven by the printing press', was so bulish on the American macro, that I almost did not believe in a return to slightly above trend growth. We urgently need to go see Rosenberg, to restore peace of mind.

Excuse me, for a vulgar phrase, but he really is meaningless and merciless. Especially the second.
Can I have a little banter? From what was noticed the other day.

SMASH. Some guys woke up a couple of days ago, but there was a meeting 25 yet. Certainly, don't warn me[info]vitalis219  I would oversleep the event itself, but the market is still, least 2 day gave the opportunity to painlessly enter / exit. Although, in general,, not my job, to deal with some sector.

“Let's consider ukravtoprom by EV / Capacity and compare with the Chinese”. Jetty, underestimated. You need to continue or everything immediately becomes clear? By the way, taking into account the plans for the introduction of new capacities, you can change all kinds of EV / Capacity in EM to increase the Capacity itself. Type, they are underestimated in EM, because, what's there capacity expansion. If the latter were not there, then EV / Capacity would not be 6, and, say 8. Well, and then in the same style.

And just a little bit more angry. Hmm, and where is the UX Index on 1000 points? Not, i don't mind, чтобы делать выводы смотря на schedule. God be with them with astrocycles, eliots and other grails. Everyone has their own cockroaches (for example, I quite seriously believe in patterns, at that, that they can exist, exactly can, but do not exist). And actually, my summer look was like this: macro everything will be fine, technique – everything is just disgusting. Stop, where does it have to do with “UB index on 1000 points”? The fact, that the representatives of this movement seem to sincerely believed in doubledeep. But they had a lot of buy recommendations. All in all, skis, certainly, as always, nothing to do with it.


Again, sorry, just accumulated.

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