Investigation continues. New physical evidence. :)

Investigation of Tatarina trade continues at smartlab" of LCHI-15, who was suspected by a certain `` Vanyuta" in the transfer of money from account to account using low-liquid shares. New circumstantial evidence appeared in the case, for example, Tartar's use in trade at the same time of many open trading terminals "Quick", probably, intended for overflowing illiquid stocks with huge spreads. :)

The technology of overfilling in sufficient detail described by the expert & quot; olimp":

1. Register for the LPI yourself, and also register your wife or mother-in-law, or someone else who has sunk into the soul :)
2. You open 2 терминала (their own and that «счастливца»)
3. Buy illiquid assets with a spread from your account and immediately sell your position to your «счастливцу». By the way, the scheme works much more efficiently if you buy in the last seconds of trading, but sell on the first second of the opening of the next day. There is a risk of gaps down, but, And «schematosis» easier to hide.


Illustrative example, in the picture are open 2 квика, in PROTEKA promotions the spread is more than 2%. Of course, there is a bunch of junk papers with a much wider spread.

  Economy of Ukraine, second semester. 106 fm, today 18:00-19:00
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