I guess, and intuitively did the right thing. I don't like running, preferring to walk. I don't go on diets. I love desserts and sleep longer. Why mock the body, and overload it?
Original taken from

Running has always been a punishment for me. Not, that's it to run. As a child, I enjoyed playing football, then played basketball for a long time and quite seriously. But running! Getting up early was always a pain, something like tempering and pouring cold water (as well as a cold shower after a sauna) I regard it as a mockery of a person. I always ate as it turned out, the benefit of the hostel and the army tempered. The workflow is tightly seated and in front of the computer, accordingly, walks in the fresh air did not take root.
That's why, like a balm for my soul, I read these supposedly myths about measures and methods, recommended for a healthy lifestyle:-)
Of course, you should be wary of them., but apparently there is something here…
Myth 1. Running in the morning is always good for you.
Two years ago, scientists from the Institute for the Study of the Human Cardiovascular System at the Lehigh Valley Health Network (USA, state of Pennsylvania) made an official statement that, that even with moderate enough exertion, jogging can cause serious damage to health. This was preceded by a study involving 3800 human, joggers of varying degrees of intensity. Of men and women older 35 made up a middle-aged group 46 years and got an unexpected result.
The lifespan of those, who runs a lot and intensively, as well as those, who does not exercise at all, turned out to be less, than those, who runs moderately. Moreover, the factors, which could distort the clinical picture (chronic hypertension or hypotension, high blood cholesterol and smoking), were taken into account in advance - none of them could influence the study. The deterioration in life expectancy statistics began at about 20 miles (32 km) in Week, that is, only about 4,5 km per day. The latter corresponds to approximately 30-45 minutes of daily jogging - longer runs led to a reduction in the average lifespan of runners. And especially expensive morning jogging cost those, who ran in the city near active car traffic on a regular sidewalk, without special spring cover.
Myth 2. Low fat food is part of a healthy diet
Have you heard about, that fatty foods allegedly contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, and low fat reduces the risks? Six years ago, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition devoted an entire special issue to this issue.. Editors combined data 21 research. It's about completely different clinical experiments, conducted by unrelated hospitals and institutes from different parts of the United States. Participated in almost 350 thousand. “experimental”, of them 11 thousand. by the time of the start of the study had already been observed in cardiologists with symptoms of cardiovascular diseases.
The average study duration was 14 years. And the conclusion read: there is no direct connection between the consumption of fatty foods and the development of vascular and heart diseases. And if you are avoiding dietary fats not for fear of heart problems, and from that, what do you want to lose weight, - classic low-fat products are completely contraindicated for you. Especially yoghurts, because in order to compensate for changes in taste, caused by a decrease in fat content, more sugar is added to these products. So for the figure, they are much more dangerous than ordinary fat ones..
Myth 3. Getting up early is a sign of a healthy lifestyle
Old English proverb, analogue of Slavic “Who gets up early ...”, associating early waking up with health, wealth and wisdom (Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise), - lies! Last year, a group of researchers from the University of Westminster (United Kingdom) published a report, according to which early awakening leads to chronic stress. The fact, what about 6 to 8 in the morning, the body produces the maximum level of cortisol - the stress hormone. But the most important thing, that waking up during this period keeps cortisol levels high throughout the day.
Respectively, if getting up early is a way of life for you, means, and an overdose of cortisol is a permanent phenomenon. Over time, this will have to pay off with a decrease in immunity., chronic migraines and depression. At the same time, the usefulness of morning exercise does not compensate for the harm of morning lack of sleep. So if you need to get to work or classes by 8-9 in the morning, it is better to postpone physical exercises for the evening. By the way, the period of the most valuable sleep for the body is considered to be the time from 8 evenings until midnight and from 2 hours of the day before sunset.
Myth 4. Desserts are evil!
The astonishing conclusion of a group of scientists from Tel Aviv University, published this winter, contradicts all traditional ideas about proper nutrition. If we want to lose weight, first, what we are recommended to refuse, - confectionery (classic combination of animal fats and carbohydrates). This recommendation is denied by Israeli nutritionist Daniela Yakubovich and several of her associates., who recently performed an interesting experiment. 193 Person, who wanted to lose weight, divided into two groups. The first one was constantly fed with low-calorie food - 300 kilocalories at a time. The second group was given full breakfasts in the morning - 600 kilocalories (fried eggs, meat, beans, vegetables), and then treated to dessert, but the total number of kilocalories per day was the same, like the first group (1600 per day for men and 1400 for women).
So here, the rate of weight loss in participants in both groups was the same. But the indicator of stability of the achieved result in the second group turned out to be much higher: later 32 weeks participants in the experiment, on a strict low-calorie diet, began to regain the pounds they had just dropped, and they, who ate cakes in the morning, still losing weight. so, if you like to pamper yourself with sweet sometimes, henceforth you can do it with a light heart. But only in the morning and knowing a sense of proportion: for those, who eats pastry in kilograms, payback, probably, type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Myth 5. Long walks in the fresh air are good for everyone
But not if, if you are overweight and if you are a city dweller. Scientists from the Department of Social Medicine at the University of Montreal investigated the differences in the functioning of the respiratory organs of slender and overweight people.. Was, that breathing depth correlates with weight. The experiment showed, what people, obese, inhale on average 50% more atmospheric air. Less excess weight means less excess breathing, but even with a minimum excess of his ideal weight, a person breathes in 7% more air. At the same time, in the city, together with him, he receives his share of gaseous pollution - ammonia, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, etc.. d.
If the excess breathing rate is higher 10%, the result of regular long walks in the city, Most likely, poisoning, which will later be attributed to the general pollution of the environment. All in all, most people have enough common sense to beware, when someone is smoking a cigarette nearby, strong smoke smell reminds them of pollution. But you need to remember, that serious pollution is often present even there, where the smell is not felt.
How are you doing with a healthy lifestyle?? It turns out? Helps?
Ah, Yes, we still had