Trader's way – stages of development

I consider it necessary for every trader to understand the stages of development, mine trader's way. This article will help you to understand and understand many points..

Like many other things in life – the trading experience goes through various necessary stages of development. This happens regardless, do we feel this process go no. Time, which we spend on each of these stages, varies depending on many factors, including our age, education, emotional component, finance and perhaps most importantly – our willingness to learn.

Information considered here, of course, не нова, but it is worth repeating, because a full grasp of these concepts will not only help you to clearly distinguish, where you are in your development, how trader, but also to plan future stages of growth.

Unconscious incompetence

First stage, which passes trader – this “unconscious incompetence”. At this stage, traders don't even realize, that they don't know, что они делают – because no specific skills are required to close a winning trade (you have a chance to be right 50/50). It is statistically normal for a novice trader to get a streak of winning trades..

This usually results in, that a trader feels delight and euphoria and can be very dangerous, because an inexperienced trader lacks the necessary skills, to continue to consistently achieve successful results. Inevitably, novice trader moves to the next stage – similarly, how a baby suddenly becomes a toddler.

Conscious incompetence

Second stage – this is the most frightening stage of trading. Beginners traders at this stage are painfully aware, that they don't know, what they do. This is similar to, like a kid, who began to take the first steps, fell and hit the floor or table. Fortunately, few of us, если вообще и есть, remember this painful experience.

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but, in trade, it happens a little differently. We remember our painful losses, which caused significant damage or, maybe- emptied our trading account. We cannot quickly forget these lessons.! We need to find out, how to use this experience in the future and learn from it, or else we will leave trading – to stop the pain of losses or because our trading account has been destroyed.
У большинства Traders, who survive the second stage, the main focus is on education. Many people believe, that the key is in the best market analysis. but, this is only partially true. An active study of various trading methods usually follows..

They, who has a strong desire to learn, in the end, find their trading style and market advantage, suitable for them. If they are lucky enough not to lose their entire trading account during the first and second stages, and if they learned a thing or two about deal management, теории вероятности, risk control and trading psychology, then they will move on to the third stage.

Conscious competence

In the third stage traders already possess most of the tools, necessary for successful trading. They just lack experience.. This stage is also quite stressful.. Although traders at this stage are capable of showing consistent results, they have to think about every step they take. It takes a lot of energy and makes it difficult to relax and just enjoy it.. what are they doing.

If we draw the analogy with a child again, then it looks like a child, crossing a busy street or walking along a narrow path. While the child already has the necessary skills, he must be focused and constantly evaluate every step of the walking process. Nevertheless, на этой стадии traders show consistent results, which can be easily tracked on their asset curve. With every trading day, trader becomes more capable, experienced and relaxed.

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Unconscious competence

Stage four comes for trader imperceptible in the full sense of the word. For him, trading has become an automatic reflex and requires no more mental effort., than an ordinary person needs to walk down the street. There are small doubts when making trading decisions, but rather, due to reaction to trading opportunities. There is no hesitation when entering the market or when placing stop orders. No personal worries – clean business.

Кроме того, most traders continue to learn at this stage. Они поняли, that small improvements in the technique bring good dividends in their trading account in the long run.
It does not mean, what's in progress “unconscious competence” in trader there will be no calls at all. Health problems, in family, financial difficulties, in the end, occur to everyone. But advanced traders have learned to constantly monitor their susceptibility to trading errors., related to these external factors.

Statistics show, that no one has managed to become a successful trader, without going through all these stages of development. All of them are necessary and essential for long-term professional growth.. Знание того, where you are in your development process as a trader, helps you understand, what to expect and what you should do, to move on to the next stage in your trading.

Вот такой, интересный, exciting and difficult trader's way.

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