The road to ten million. Rubles or dollars?

Flipped through smartlab. Came across interesting topic — repeated champion of the Champions League under the nickname Tatarin30 kept his trade statistics for 2016 year. Purpose to earn 10 million rubles. So here, I threw my glance at the percentage statistics by months and even with the naked eye appreciated that it had not been earned for a long time 10 million, and orders of magnitude more:

I decided to figure it out in Excel. It turns out that even if we take the initial amount at a minimum 1 one million rubles, then taking into account the withdrawals of money at the end 2016 must be 91 years old 878 312 rubles:

But this is if the initial amount is taken at a minimum, and taking into account the fact that the comrade is a multiple winner of the LPI and has been trading with ultra-profitability for several years, then the initial amount is probably greater than 1 million. Already 10 million then it should definitely be in stock in this case, by the end of the year, the amount was 918 783 120 rubles.

That's why, WHAT KIND 10 MILLION RUBLES? There is someone from smartlab? Finally inform the person that he already has several million dollars!!! :)

And what is the annual profitability? — 9 088%. And what was it that Mr. Movchan sang about the impossibility of earning more 7-8% per annum? :)

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