Just an anecdote

It so happened that on the territory of the Russian Federation I now no longer have, not like higher education, but, even, and secondary and primary. It's good that you don't have to get a job, since illiterates are taken only as wipers. I learned this when I renewed the Residence Permit in the Russian Federation. I had to take an exam in Russian, since no diploma of graduation from a Russian-language institute, nor the certificate of graduation from the Russian-language school turned out to be documents, confirming my knowledge of the Russian language. It so happened that the diploma and the certificate are now, as it were, not mine, but belong to another person.

How did this happen?? Very simple. Let's admit, in the USSR, on the territory of the Lithuanian SSR, a man was born with the last name. for example, Ельцин. After the collapse of the state and the formation of the independent Republic of Lithuania, the Russian language ceased to be official and comrade Yeltsin was given a new Lithuanian passport where he is, according to the rules of Lithuanian transcription, was recorded as Elcin (there is no soft sign in Lithuanian). A few years later, he decides to visit Russia and goes to the Russian Embassy for a visa.. Submits a passport for registration and in a few days picks it up. His last name on the visa Elcin, naturally, is written according to the rules of Russian transcription and will look like this: Елтсин. That is, it once was Ельцин, and now became Елтсин. :)

Well, Yeltsin, so Yeltsin — плевать, какая разница. The main thing is that the visa is valid.

Further, he comes to Russia on a visa. Being so for a long time decides to open a bank account, buy real estate, жениться, open a brokerage account, etc..  Naturally, on all documents, his surname is recorded as it is written on the visa, i.e Елтсин.

But since he graduated from school and institute back in the USSR, then in the certificate and diploma his surname appears as Ельцин — that is, a completely different person…..

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That's about the same thing with my last name. — discrepancy in two letters. Now I am left without education and, in theory, became illiterate.. :)

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