Propaganda and lies on TV.

Коллегия по жалобам на прессу уличила Дмитрия Киселева в пропаганде

Well, finally, at least someone drew attention to the state of affairs in the official mass media of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, viewers and listeners will soon develop the habit of understanding what is said from television screens from the opposite.. If they say black, then you need to understand that in fact `` white '', and vice versa. But it's still easier than when during Brezhnev's time you had to read between the lines — it's much more difficult than just flipping the logic the other way around.
Will there ever come a time when it will be possible to simply learn about everything objectively from the official media?, without propaganda and lies. Or vice versa, the further, so everything will get worse and even the weather forecast will give a false — just in case, but you never know what is there…..

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