Continuation of the topic about learning English

Hello, friends!

A month and a half ago I wrote an article «How to learn English for free. 7 ways to choose»

There I told, that one of the ways to study can be watching your favorite TV show in its original performance in English (or any other language) with Russian subtitles. And as a test I decided to start watching my series.

All this time I regularly reviewed 1 And 2 season «The mentalist» in the original with Russian subtitles almost skipping days, as it is recommended to do this daily. During the classes, we were able to view about 40 series, each by 40 minutes and it's time to share some impressions.

I did not take any courses during this period, did not read books and manuals in English — only watching the series. All this was done for the purity of the experiment..

There are changes. Let's talk about it.

1. At the very beginning of this «training» I could handle 1 batch per day. Then just tiredness made itself felt. I had to strain, to hear something, parse words in quick phrases, match it with subtitles, try to memorize phrases and phrases…

Now I can watch several episodes in a row without any effort..

I guess, this is due to, that part of the information enters the brain in its original form and does not require conscious processing.

2. Psychologically, I began to perceive English as my friend, not the enemy.

well, you know. Previous study experience has always been associated with a certain tension, uncertainty, obligatory. So it is quite understandable, that any attempts to tackle «the study» were partially blocked precisely because of the feeling of some hostility and the complexity of this process.

Now I associate English with an interesting business, passion, desire to learn something new. Missing negative background, complex in the process of foreign speech perception.


This prompts, that there is a desire to add additional language lessons to watching a movie.

3. When looking new 6 season of the Mentalist in Russian (there was no original with subtitles) caught myself thinking, that when viewed with Russian translation, there is no feeling of better perception. How to explain: the English version with subtitles looks as easy as the translated version.

but, not sure, that only watching films in English can you learn the language. Watching tv, we do not learn to speak and interact with people. We're just spectators, listeners. Passive role.

So I would recommend viewing only as an introductory part. Next, you need to expand the material and technical base., as they say.

Winter is ahead- great time to study.


I am now going to add to this process the memorization of the list of the most common words., say, on 10-15 every day with obligatory repetition.

And reading English Books aloud. Maybe, accompanied by audio. Just one interesting one caught my eye, which I would like to read, without resorting to translation. It is also available in audio format in the original.

Perchance, in a couple of months there will be the next report.

May God grant you health, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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