Continuing the topic about PAMM scam

Hello, friends!

There are questions like in the comments to the posts Forex investing in Pamm and Pamm accounts Alpari and Pamm accounts divorce, and in emails about investing in PAMM accounts of various companies. One thing comes through in the questions — pamm scam?

Given the fact, that there is a lot of information, and she is contradictory, unsurprisingly, that people are somewhat confused. I have been at Forex for the eighth year, seen enough of everyone.

Especially remarkable is the fact, that a few months ago a couple of pseudo investment projects were covered with a copper basin, type Gamma-IC and Vladimir-FX. Naturally with investor money.

What are the opportunities for fraud in the field of financial markets and PAMM accounts??

Well, let's talk about this topic and draw one scenario about pamm scam. By the way, I am not doing this as an aid for scammers, and as information for thought to all readers, who are investing in pamm.

For example, create a DC and draw successful statistics for a thread trader N. We start to promote it, attract famous people, who allegedly cooperate with our trader and receive 100-200% per annum.

Our trader N aka Lenya Golubkov shines with a radiant smile from the monitor screen, talks about a win-win strategy, about your experience and desire to make all people happy, by investing in safe assets.

There is a massive advertising campaign, an affiliate program is included. There are a lot of things on the net now on the topic of investing. — and forums and blogs, so people, working with affiliate programs, goes in a line and promotes us on its resources. Nobody knows about that, what we create pamm scam. We connect referrals, they attract people, cash flow to company accounts is growing… You can upload the video to the Internet with Burdoy or Kutsenko, where will they tell a bedtime story about that, what they invest in our great traders in the best forex market.

What's next?

And then our DC must pay money to investors, right? After all, even though we drew statistics, but investors are not completely fools. They understand, what profit should be, if the trader is successful.

And we pay! We pay them % according to our drawn statistics, but at the same time we reduce the profitability of our trader. Let's say, it was originally about 200-300% per annum, and now it comes out a month 5-7%, what does per year mean taking into account the offer 50/50 only about 30%. Wherein, as I wrote in the article above about that, how to calculate the profitability of PAMM accounts, in your personal account, you can specify the estimated profitability for the year, how it is done at FX Trend. Moreover, this figure is incorrect., because at first the trader did 30-50% per month, and now by 3-5%. And the profitability adds up for all the time, and not over the past six months or a year. There is a difference?

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Or maybe even supposedly «drain» this trader, say on 50-100%, which will break every conceivable money management rule. We can? We can. We spawned it, we will destroy him!

Well, or as an option — the trading system will break, the market will enter some phase there and the accounts will show a drawdown, the MTS algorithm is to blame. But in fact, we can just take this money for ourselves.

I just want to show, that due to the unsettled legislation in the field of financial markets, an unhealthy environment has formed in the post-Soviet space, in which there are many opportunities for deception and fraud.

At the same time, trader N may not even exist in reality.. Or it may exist! It does not interfere. As you can see, create pamm scam worthless.
What am I for? — investing in pamm accounts need that money, which are free for you and their loss will not entail bad consequences.

When you invest — calculate the profitability of the PAMM account. Consider the offer. Invest in old companies' memory. For example, Alpari. Yes, it's not good with managers there now. And Alpari began to work badly themselves — connection is lost. And this is not encouraging. great option — self-trading. you can afford a couple of deals a week, no matter how busy you are at work or business.

But still, some part of people will trade on Forex., some part — invest in pamma.

I'm waiting, that state intervention in this area will gradually contribute to «civilization» of these relationships and the elimination of the very opportunities for deception.

As for the FX Trend company…

Yes, I wrote about their managers, which show good statistics on PAMM accounts, and investors praise their service, they say, that only there they successfully make money on investments, so I covered this topic on a blog, but i have a few but!

1.I don't like their principle of profit / loss sharing on PAMM accounts, they simply drain the manager's deposit. I wrote about it here.

2.For local managers, it seems like the norm to fill the depot on 20 000 and more dollars. This is nonsense. Even in Alpari, such cases are rare.. There is so much money in Ukraine, what at least eat your ass? Or are they counting on, that they will immediately have higher trust and millions will flow into management? Yes, investments are flowing, but no wonder, that as a result of the above mechanism, soon from 20 000 ye remain 0 and the manager's balance shows -50 000.

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3. Traders — proud people, like to amuse their pride and show off in public. But our stewards do not sin. Straight takes pride for them — so modest, inconspicuous, nobody knows them, nowhere do they shine, Wall Street is also not invited to manage billions. With such and such statistics! It inspires thoughts, Admit it.

Personally, I would, having such statistics for 3 of the year, would create a sect, would become at her head and would accept all kinds of gifts from disciples and female students. I would definitely challenge Gerchik to a duel, Rezvyakova, and when they refuse — would take their fans in bulk and continue to amuse themselves in the glory.

And I'm sure, others would have done the same. Because people of a certain warehouse come to trading. Типа Iron Lady. But not our Veronics, Svens, Avas and others like them.

4. Decrease in profitability. Everyone has! Everyone has a decrease in profitability on PAMM accounts. I talked about it above. Can, certainly, suppose, that the guys just do not want to take risks and they are satisfied with such an income. But! We all know, that appetite comes with eating. And the fact, that a person began to earn big money and stopped at a certain level and even reduced risks can be explained in two ways, and even more so, when all managers did it! Looks like pamm scam. As if they really reduced profitability, so as not to pay high interest.

5. It is also incomprehensible to me, why open pamm 2.0, according to the offer of which the manager is liable for the investor's loss at the expense of his capital in the ratio, say, 50/50. I'm talking about the same Veronica and some other traders.. That is, if you have several million dollars in management according to the PAMM system 1.0 and you don't have enough money — increase the risks on the PAMM account and return to that profitability, which you showed at the very beginning, because the vehicle shows stability, is not it?

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But instead, the pamm opens 2.0 on unfavorable terms in order to attract, well, one more millenchik =)

A paradoxical situation for my understanding.

6. More than a year ago on Moulnet's blog there was an article about investing in pamm accounts FX Trend. The guy is smart, interestingly writes, weighted in total, as for the monetization of Internet projects and other things. But that's not the point.

So here, he began to publish on his blog finstrips from the PAMM of the aforementioned company and began to work as a partner. After a while, he told, which attracted about 300 000 dollars of investment from their readers as a referral. And in this regard, the company was so happy about this money., what the competition did immediately for Maul and his readers.

And here's the second question. If the FX trend is so good, they have so much investment, then where does such a rush come from when you receive a very small amount of 300k? Maybe these tens of millions in management are drawn or are demo money?


Despite the fact, that I posted information about her best managers, I still have more questions about them, than answers.

Trading conditions in it are worse, than in Alpari. Majority Commission in 2 times more! But don't take it as FX Trend's black PR and Alpari's white PR. A couple of days ago in the Alps, the quotes of minutes were turned off for 10-15 on gold, during this movement the gold passed 15 dollars in my direction and rolled back on 7, so in fact I saw only passed 7 bucks per troy ounce. This is not the case. And such cases are not uncommon. However, the same thing happens in Trend.

It's always frustrating. As if the Alps are behind 15 years of work it was impossible to exclude such excesses in principle.

By the way,, My colleague Dmitry Zhukov also has an unpleasant opinion about FX Trend, the author of the blog The reverse side of infobusiness. You can read here. Truth, full audit paid, 500 rubles.

Here are the things, friends.

Briefly speaking, think with your head, take responsibility for your decisions and don't take risks, if the risk is not to your liking. And share the link on social networks with those, who else is thinking about investing in pamm. It will be useful for them to read.

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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