Selling long-range options out of the money

It seems that now only option sellers make money. For the time being, before time, so far there are no special trends. Even one of my brokers sent a recommendation to sell the remote yesterday. колл for corn until March next year.

I looked at Collective2 — there, too, at the moment, sellers of remote options are among the leaders. Moreover, the technology is the same for everyone.. A distant strike is sold out of the money, interest removed from the price of the underlying asset by 10 or more with less delta 20 with an expiration date of about a month. And lasts until the end of the term or, rarely closes, if the situation is unfavorable. A simple and reliable method while the markets are stagnant.
thought, or can also subscribe to signals — subscription is inexpensive, minimum body movements, I sold the options and I don’t have to do anything for a month. As a last resort, for the diversification of other systems is suitable. Although you can take and sell remote options of random shares from the bulldozer yourself, because they say that 80% all options expire out of the money.

Here are some systems with Collective2, who sell options. For a more detailed examination of the characteristics and indicators of systems, you can click on schedule mouse:




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