Sell ​​blog


I continue my one year marathon, but in a different format. Readers said correctly, enough shocking and publicity, words and statements. Set a goal and achieve it, and everyone will understand, that you are a man of your word. So I will keep a diary for myself, not to the public.

I already see, that I do not have time to fulfill my promise to compensate for losses to all investors to 1 December. So it all came together in such a picture. I'm selling a blog. I partially use the money to compensate for losses.

Think, this is right.

I will provide the cost of the blog upon request to interested parties.


Писать на admin (dog) or in skype wearbo

If you want to receive passive income on a ready-made site — you’re welcome. I will give both domain and hosting and all content, including design, первому, with whom we will agree on the price. You can issue an agreement. Pr3, tic 30, DMOZ directory.

May God grant you health!

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