Problems with Zenfire in Mirus Futures

Hello, friends!

Not so long ago we discussed brokers with access to the futures market, including Mirus futures, as recently it became known about the problems with the terminals of this broker.

One of the posts of a disgruntled customer (with abbreviations) with Smarta.

«I am a client myself Mirus futures and until recently was quite pleased with the services of this company. I have a lot of respect for Lana, her professionalism and tact.

But for several days now I cannot work normally due to technical problems., related to Zen Fire connection. Yesterday, after the connection with the ZF hung up, I almost lost my entire deposit.

At a critical moment, I called Mirus, but the emergency phone just didn't answer. I wrote to Lana and got a reply via 25 minutes. During this time, a lot of money can be lost on futures..

Understand, that he was not alone in such a situation and Lana simply did not have enough hands, to answer everyone at the same time, but that doesn't change the facts.

So I decided to find another broker. I do not close my account in Mirus. Quite possible, что после того, how will they solve technical problems (and this, according to my estimates, may take several months) I will trade through them…»

Actually, opinion of another client of the company Mirus futures in personal correspondence:

here if you can somehow contact Orlovskaya, and there may be glitches too, I have no complaints about mira's Zenifire, they processed all orders super and if there were jambs — then they returned the losses and the profit from the jambs remained to me)

Будем посмотреть, how will the issue be resolved… I would not like, so that all the previous positive work is covered with a copper basin due to technical problems with Zen fire

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A few more customer comments:

as for other platforms, even the internet software world trader did not work yesterday. I endured all the hardships while he worked. But when even their own native software was closed and the phone did not answer. I made my decision.

Russian-speaking clients are now holding on largely thanks to Svetlana: I just don't want to leave such a service. She works with a woman, certainly, defiant, but I'm sure, and they will remain in the past. But now you can't trade, you can stick well.

There were also promises from Mirus to settle everything until Monday, but that did not happen, even close.

and yesterday a letter came in English and the general meaning is, that Zen is closed and the guys there in the sweat of their brow are looking for new solutions for us.

the situation with zen fire has been going on for many years. Don't even hope, that it will be solved in the next few months. One should only hope for this, that either the rhythm will be returned back or something else will be launched. But Zen as a patient has been dead for years.

In general, there is unconfirmed information that Zenfair WILL NOT be restored(

Such are the things in Mirus futures.

May God grant you health, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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