About the value of shares.

I remembered the blogger Pavel Akhmetov, which was often commented on by Roma Paramonov, about a year and a half ago. В ту пору, Roma and Pasha were tough. It was completely incomprehensible to Pasha, how Sberbank can cost as much 60 (!!!) rubles per share, and what idiots buy it at such levels. I think, постфактум, many now would buy it even by 80-90. The market has now once again proved a banal truth., what the same paper can cost, And 70, And 100 rubles per share, without much fundamental change. There is only a psychological addiction effect, but the unusual price level goes away after a week or two. If, by the new year, Sberbank shares will cost 150 rubles, I will not be surprised at all. Back on 14 – it will be a pleasant surprise, but nothing more. We are trying to adjust the world to our own paradigm – Saving by 110 does not fit into the usual picture of the world of many players, and they start to bring it in line. But as usual, without changing yourself, while trying to change the world, the only available way – muttering this paper, and pouring out streams of indignation in forums and blogs.

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