About the work of the brain.

I got a note now. And here it is., when scientists think, that everything is already laid out on the shelves,
"Modern brain models turned out to be wrong.
A research group of scientists made it clear, that medical ideas about the work of the brain are false.

As previously suggested about the process of processing information in the brain, from the senses, it enters the thalamus, in a simple way called the visual hillock, after which it is broken into pieces over six layers of the cerebral cortex: medium first, fourth layer, then to the upper layers, and behind them it already passes into two deep layers – fifth and sixth. This idea of ​​information movement in the brain is based on studies of the anatomy and directions of axonal axes., which make up the entire network of the nervous system.

Biologists from the Mortimer Zuckerman Columbia Institute for the Study of the Brain and the Kavli Institute conducted experiments with the participation of rodents, namely rats, with the brain that scientists are familiar with. The role of whiskers in rats is similar to the role of fingers in humans. – with the help of them, animals can represent the shape and structure of an object. Mustache hairs are connected to a cluster of neurons in the brain.

Thanks to a special technique, biologists were able to find out the path of signals through the synapse between neurons.. Using a micropipette with a width of about 0,001 millimeter, filled with liquid and capable of transmitting signals, scientists managed to record nerve impulses, from the mustache, in 176 neurons of the cerebral cortex and only in 76 neurons of the thalamus. This entry showed scientists, that information passes from the thalamus immediately to 4 And 5 layers, moreover, about a fifth of the axons passed into the fifth layer.

To confirm that the signal path is not specific, biologists blocked the way to the fourth layer with the anesthetic lidocaine. Everything was confirmed, information entered the deep layers in the same volume, what surprised scientists, because it forces us to rethink the functioning of the layers of the cerebral cortex.

  Seventh Chapter

New theory, arising from these experiments, reads, that the upper and deep layers of the brain have a separate chain of neurons, this is especially true for mammals and humans. Another theory assumes, that the main processing of tactile signals does not take place in the middle layers, namely in deep, and signal processing, with which human experience is associated, goes to the upper layers of the brain.

But that's just theory, there are no clear answers, and the conducted research only confused everything even more. but, biologists are not going to stop and want to continue experiments, to test your ideas.

 The results of this study are presented in the latest issue of the journal Science published to date."

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