About inefficiency :)

Based on some post on smartlabik inspired:

I understand, that a person unconsciously always chooses the easiest and least stressful path. But this often shows cowardice., laziness and ignorance.

Specifically in trading, for example, this is a search for the already sore mouth of `` inefficiencies ''. Why is everyone looking for them, instead of, to counter the opposite – the most marketable nature? Ie. to trade in its normal state, and not some moments of the appearance of inefficiencies? This will solve the age-old problem of, that these 'inefficiencies" short-lived and do not carry any stability and, usually, scalability. Why?? Yes, because, что среднестатистический trader – common lazy ** ylo :). Let's admit it with you)).

In a street fight with a stranger – it is akin to wanting to win quickly and unfairly, while not having any professional skills. Whether it's to load in the balls or get out the knife, when the other doesn't have it. But let's say you win this time, but next time with the same opponent, you won't be able to kick in the balls, for the second time it will not work, so you try to poke me in the eye :). Funny. Is it worth it to say, that all these actions are from despair and from the lack of professional hand-to-hand combat skills?

The market is the same. Don't try to find some kind of vulnerability, which will allow you to easily win a local victory over the market. This whole process has no future.. This is from cowardice. You better go slow right away, but in a sure way – study the market, to understand it in a completely ordinary, natural state, in which he has been for a hundred years.

I myself have been the same lazy ** yl for several years)) So I know, what am I talking about!)) -_-

  here the fuck
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