about Cyprus still (just in case)

once Andrew suddenly referred on my humble LJ, then just in case, I'll explain what I mean a little easier.

the banking system of Cyprus has long been in a deplorable state. i would say, which is worse than the bank & quot; Nadra" in 2008 year :) it's a pretty obvious fact. also we know, that the political nuances of assisting the banking system of this country could give rise to surprises. for example, I admitted, which can force you to disclose all the details of property and connections if you want to get a deposit back. tax, did not wait, because not such a reasonable measure.

ie. leave money in a Cypriot bank – the idea has been dangerous for quite some time. wherein, Cypriot offshore functions, in general, have nothing to do with their banking system. therefore in all cases the question arises: what makes your money in a Cyprus bank? if everything is so bad and you cannot open an account in a normal bank – сори, this "tax на непрозрачность" )) if you did not take the opportunity – sluggish tax.

such thoughts are rooted in my firm conviction that, that `` took the risk of making financial decisions – take risks honestly and silently ''. otherwise I'm still in 2008 heard a lot of asset managers, who were heroes in 2007 and suddenly a year later suddenly the world conspired against them. I'm sorry for the Cypriot pensioners, certainly. though 10% savings, from my point of view – this is not much and the alternatives for them could be worse.

with regard to the consequences for the financial system, then of course there are risks. loss of confidence – withdrawing money from banks – the need for recapitalization in Italy and Spain. On the other hand, over the past few years, I've seen the markets panic out of the blue and ignore real threats. видел, how Greece's default caused absolutely zero negative consequences. etc. это я к тому, что не все так однозначно, as it seems to someone.


z.y.. this is not a call to buy risky assets today. good correction has been asking for a long time, genie crazy out of the bottle, he may diverge. for example for SPX 3-4-5% it's not that hard to go down. but if psychos on the topic will excite and in a week, then I would seriously think about, to go against the market. being smarter than others today or tomorrow can be expensive for health :)

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