About indicators.

Partner, in his video interview with Vernikov, speaks with some irony about robots, based on indicators. Jetty, does not work. Anything you need to know how to cook. Take the classic oscillator, the main task of trading – buy relatively cheap and sell relatively дорого, и об этом любой RSI или стохастик будет нас исправно информировать. They will object to me, pier on the uptrend, oscillators will always show overbought – right. How to get around this phenomenon? think. Знаю людей, trading quite successfully by indicators, or with advisors, на них основанных. From LJ, at the Slag block, robot Гоги давал годные сигналы, is based, насколько я понимаю, on the use of similar principles. I made my Expert Advisor as a combination of patterns and indicators, but the patterns are now more advisory in nature. Suspect, what anybody, get a greasy mantra like: "Я б…I, labor trader, I trade only the price, and indicators are based on history ". So all our actions are already history, and even this thought, that came into your head, you reacted with a delay. We see the moon like this, what was she 1 a second ago, and the sun – 8 minutes. Does it bother anyone? No one trader, & quot; trading the price & quot;, unless he is a clairvoyant or astral traveler, won't tell, where will its meaning in a moment, and what he sees now – breakdown, or just taking out stops. Turkeys – important and useful component, and a call to abandon these tools, is equivalent to a call to transfer from a modern comfortable car to the well-worn `` shah ''.

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