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After numerous reports of tungsten-filled gold bars surfaced in Hong Kong, 400 ounces is the first documented and confirmed report, which became known to the public. provided by
The attached photos show the ingot Metalor 1000gm Au, in which voids have been drilled and filled with tungsten (W).
This bar was purchased yesterday from a scrap dealer. (scrap of precious metals) в xxxxx, United Kingdom. The ingot seemed perfectly normal except, what was missing 2 grams. Since it contains tungsten, the ingot is not ferromagnetic. The ingot was delivered with the original certificate.
Business owner, who bought the ingot, became suspicious only when he learned about the difference in weight, and broke it. Presumably 30-40% ingot weight is tungsten.

Now, when we have documentary evidence that, what's in ingots weighing 1 kg drilled holes and filled with tungsten, convulsive checks of the gold content in bullion weighing 400 ounces, That, according to some reports, also filled with tungsten (согласно Робу Кирби рынок "забит до отказа" tungsten ingots in 400 ounces , which are covered with gold on the outside).
For those, who is unaware of the initial reports of, what 60 tons of ingots 400 ounces were filled with tungsten and exchanged for U.S. Federal Treasury gold at Fort Knox, we quote part of his report from 2009 of the year:
Number of gold bars, "нашпигованных" tungsten, is presumably 5600-5700 pieces by 400 ounces each (approximately 60 tons).
This is most likely a carefully organized and extremely well-paid criminal operation.. Just a few hours after, how the deception came to light, Chinese authorities have detained many of these criminals.
And this is what the Chinese managed to find out:
About 15 years ago – during the Clinton administration [remember Robert Rubin, Sir Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers] –in the USA on very sophisticated modern equipment was produced from 1,3 to 1,5 million tungsten blanks weighing 400 ounces [more 16 thousand tons]. Subsequently 640.000 of these blanks were plated with gold and SHIPPED to Fort Knox, where are they to the present. Я знаю людей, у которых имеются копии оригинальных документов на отправку с датами и точным весом "вольфрамовых" ingots, transferred to Fort Knox.
Оставшиеся вольфрамовые болванки предположительно тоже были покрыты слоем золота и "проданы" on the international market. Obviously, этот рынок сейчас "заполнен до отказа" counterfeit ingots by 400 ounces.
Involuntarily you will think, were the Indians smart enough to analyze 200 tons, which they took out of the IMF?
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