
Пару дней назад один trader рассказал мне буддийскую притчу.

“A young man comes to an elder and asks to teach him how to meditate. He answers him, that first you need to learn to see the world like this, какой он есть. The young man agrees and the elder brings him to the pond and asks him to say, what does he see there. At first he saw only a small fish there. The elder instructed him to sit and look further.. Every day the young man began to see more and more…”

There is a great parallel with trading..

Until a person learns to see the overall picture of the market and understand it –
it will be very difficult for him to achieve real success.

The path to success is very similar to this parable..

Сначала мы видим просто charts, then levels,
then the actions of large market participants and so on.

Someone won't have the patience for this.
So this is not for you.
It's OK – there is still a sea of ​​things, which you can do besides trading.

  Musical experiments.
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