Gambling addiction.

Briefly speaking, expectedly I was suspended, in Eurodollar. Himself to blame. Not many, but anyway… Began to analyze, when my bad period went, in trading, it turned out – from autumn, with courage in Si, when I got involved in an extreme multiplayer game, catching the pivot point. Alas, this point turned out to be above the coverage of many deposits, and this sport cost some – millions. Ну а дальше – away we go – there were many interesting things, and if we consider some inputs – then they are just awful, or catching knives, либо вообще, this is unclear. Как будто, connected to some madness. Were, certainly, and good deals, and very, but in general, negativity outweighs. Wherein, robots, Not grabbing the stars from the sky, were quite afloat, and even in the black.
Now, saw a guy, glazed eyes, frantically feeding coins to the game terminal. Looks like, he was in some kind of prostration. I immediately caught myself thinking: yes, they showed you, transparently hinted, well, you're not standing in the vestibule of the store, and you are sitting in front of the computer, otherwise then, how are you different? The essence is the same, ludomanian, be in the game :). The egregor of the market demands sacrifices.

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