Came from the village, read the reports…

But Berdyansk – this is the Zaporizhzhya region. Vacationing there with my parents, on a voucher, when was seven years old – last summer before school. Remembered for the green color of sea water, tiled roof houses, immense aunts on the beach, disgusting schnitzels and barley, with which we were fed in the canteen, advertising of the ship “Jupiter”, and the subsequent walk on it, with a lecture, about the inhabitants of the Sea of ​​Azov. See also, I hit my toe, and there was no way they could stop the bleeding. After the trip, there was a canvas bag, with an inscription “Berdyansk” – served for quite a long time. In Zaporozhye there was a day passing. At all, h.z., why did we go there, I liked Crimea much more, but as a child you don't make such decisions.
And now, that's how it turned out. Who could even imagine then.

  rzhaka from JC)
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