Causes of fear

Страх потерь трейдерEvery day I have to move the Golden Bridge to San Francisco, to get to my office. It would seem that, what's unusual about, to cross the bridge? But San Francisco often has earthquakes. The author knows many residents of the city, who are afraid to cross the bridge. Some people are so afraid of bridges, that they try not to ride on them once in their life, thereby, limiting your life and work opportunities. I was never afraid to drive across the bridge, but repeatedly heard the conversations of people on the bridge, who were able to, close to panic. They imagined the worst possible scenarios, which can only happen, and couldn't get these horror pictures out of their head. IN 1989 year during an earthquake, a section of the San Francisco-Oakland Bridge collapsed. Several people died. Maybe, have you seen the reports about it on TV. To be honest, I try to forget this incident, especially, when I cross the bridge. But, if a person remembers this event over and over again, he has extremely unpleasant feelings while crossing the bridge. Thought and imagination are powerful, and if your mind is aimed at scary thoughts, but it's hard to control emotions.

But thousands of people cross the bridge in San Francisco 2 once a day, without any fear. They are not afraid. How do they manage to achieve this? They also remember the earthquake, but they say to themselves, that it is safe to drive across the bridge. Maybe, they think the following: “Earthquakes are rare, and when they happen, bridges do not always fall ". This is very fair. But there are fatalists, who cannot banish thoughts of the worst-case scenario from their heads. These thoughts generate fear, in the end people are so afraid, that they refuse to cross the bridge.

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We always experience unhealthy excitement and fear., when we think about impending doom. One of the most common fears is public speaking.. Many people are afraid to speak in public. They think the worst possible way., are afraid to say something stupid and put themselves in a stupid position. When faced with extreme situations, most people feel fear., however, even more people, often, fear, when thinking about the possibility of such situations. This feature of human thinking has been proven by psychological research.. When a scary event occurs, people often relax. Maybe, you had to experience unpleasant sensations, when you wanted to meet someone? When did you ask the first question, you always feel better, regardless of the answer.

Are traders experiencing extreme fear? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Important to remember, that fear protects us. When we can lose a large amount of money, it's natural to worry. Newbies have a special reason to worry., if they risk too much of the deposit for one trade. We've heard this stereotypical scenario many times.: the newbie has a deposit 10.000 Dollars, he brings to the market 5.000, and loses this amount. Then he hides it from his spouse and risks the rest., to bring back what was lost. Instead of, to cut costs, such trader hopes, risking an even greater amount to compensate for the loss.

When we face a big obstacle, which is not easy to overcome, we are overwhelmed by a hurricane of emotions, such as fear, disappointment, frustration, anger and regret. This very unpleasant condition affects our decision-making process.. We can't get the worst of things out of our heads., and we are unable to think clearly. We think about, that we can lose everything, and don't know what to do. For example, when the market goes against us, we can close the position, but we are afraid to feel sorry for the mistake.

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Experienced traders experience less fear, than newbies. If they have a good track record of profitable work in the market, loss can become an obstacle, but not a disaster. Besides, they manage risk this way, that the probability of a gigantic loss is almost zero. But even experienced players are afraid, when they start thinking about the worst case scenario. Fear control is a matter of your mental preparation.. A person is able to overcome fear and not think about the possibility of disaster.. Truth, it's hard for some people, in the following mailings we will talk about methods of controlling fear ...


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