Risk Warning

I think that in real trading, even in forex, even on stocks and futures, the probability of getting a drawdown in 25% over a period of two to four years is quite large and tests of various systems on history also confirm this. For example, in 2008 year, the total drawdown of my systems reached 30%. Yes, you can just look at the systems on Collective, where you can see that the drawdown 25% almost all relatively long existing systems have.

К чему я это?

And besides, what if playing with shoulder 1:4, then in case of drawdown 25% losing all capital. At the shoulder 1:20 we lose all capital in case of drawdown 5%.

I, certainly, understand, what “настоящий trader drawdown is not recognized at all when playing with the risk / reward ratio 1/10 or 1/20 — that is, it seems to think that the risk is minimal or absent at all. Therefore, this my remark only to those who, due to their non-exclusiveness, drawdowns are still allowed.

True, there is another way to avoid the above risks. — I read that in certain circles day traders make money, not interest, since their (interest) you can't smear it on bread. To them this warning too, Fortunately, не относится. :)

  Spain there
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