The correct standings for the Winter Olympics 2014

Everyone thinks what is more profitable for him. Some only take into account gold medals. Our, in recent days began to hint at the total number of awards, equating gold and silver with bronze. Neither one nor the other is wrong.

Let's take the first option. Let's say that the Bermuda delegation from one participant took 1 gold, 0 серебра и 0 бронзы. And the delegation of the country XXX took 0 gold, 10 серебра и 15 бронзы. And what it turns out Bermuda with one medal is cooler than XXX with 25 медалями?

Second option. Country YYY has 10 золотых, 2 серебряные и 2 бронзовые. Country ZZZ has 0 золотых, 0 серебряных и 15 бронзовых. And that ZZZ country is cooler? "Вряд ли", — any sane person will say.

And somehow everyone forgot, or for some reason do not want to remember, which used to be always counted by points, depending on the medals received. For example, three points for gold, two points for silver, for bronze one eye. There were also options with the connection of fourth-fifth places, but this is a moot point. Still competing for medals, and for 4/5 medals are not given.

so, to date объективное the distribution of countries is:

1. Netherlands 32 points
2. Russia 31 point
3. Germany 29 points
4-5. Canada and the United States by 28 points

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