Trading Rules? Which rules?

Next time, when who – then tell you, that he can teach you the golden rules of trading, you can laugh in his face, like any other successful and experienced would do trader. Any really good trader knows, that there are no rules, related to trading. Your trading plan is closest to, which could even remotely resemble a set of rules, and you are its owner.

When developing a trading plan, You, probably, already understood the importance of, to make the plan fit your personality.

you too, probably, came to the conclusion, that you need to build a plan not from scratch, but based only on your ideas.

Observing various trading plans, used by successful traders, You'll find, that the better the plan is tailored to the individual, the more successful he will be, and the more convenient it is for a trader to work with him. You will also notice, what, although there may be some similarities, there is no specific set “rules”. Most consistent similarity, which you will find – successful trading plans created, to work in the style of an individual trader.

so, if there are no rules, What to do? How to find principles for your trading? Answer – learn to think independently and in understandable terms. Consciously or not, but you've followed the rules for most of your life. Enjoy freedom. See the markets in a convenient way, no matter, what the media advise or Books. You should trade only in agreement with yourself. Explore different methods of thinking and follow that, which will seem natural to you. Find and use your own trading style.

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