Improving the financial literacy of the population at smartlab

What people can't think of about the financial literacy of the population. I read several topics about dividends on smartlab (probably mentally prepared for seminars). All in all, mostly, push the following logic, something like this:

-if you invest in 1917 year in dividend shares, for example, 100 Dollars, then now in 2016 year stocks have grown N times, their amount was 1 000 000 Dollars. Dividends from this amount (for example 5% per annum) equal 50 000 in year, therefore, from the initially nested in 1917 year amounts today we get 50 000% per annum only in dividend payments. (!!!) These are not deposits in the bank and coupons from bonds for some 10%.

This is the grail!!!! Everyone to the seminars on dividends!!! :)

P.S. By the way, not bad idea. I also need to calculate the annual percentage of profit not from the amount at the beginning of the year, and from the initial investment in 2005 year. It will be many times more fun. :)

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