behavioral economics

Dan Ariely author “predictably irrational” (available wherever needed and in audio format).

Besides, that the book itself is extremely good, in it (in the book) lots of experiments.
the main idea of ​​Ariely is rather, that irrationality is not accidental, but orderly and explainable. ie. we are currently investigating human behavior through experiments, further this someone systematizes, and someday we will be able to improve our economic models (this is already my flight of fantasy).

the author also talks about, How did you survive the treatment of a near-three-digit burn of the skin surface. and how, based on his feelings during treatment, he came to interesting conclusions about the behavior of individuals.

Yes, book strong mast rid.
if the same Schiller that Robert (to whom we are grateful for Books) not included in the mastrid, for those who, at least worked with the market a little and so everyone understands. then with regard to Alieri – really strong must read. even if economics is not interested.

each of us is not a superman, but homer simpson.

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