Post on learning, escorts and market tips


Стали часто писать сообщения with requests to take patronage over newcomers for the purpose of their growth, «научения» the wisdom of trade and the answers to the questions of those, who just decided to become a trader. That is why I am writing this post., to dot the i.

A year ago I was thinking about, чтобы проводить какие-либо courses по свечам, as I was very adept at them and considered an excellent tool for analysis. And if so, then why not study, why not make money as a lecturer, sharing knowledge, received in real time. And at the terminal I spent most of the latter 3-4 years, уж поверьте.

But then something changed. Who has been reading my blog regularly and for a long time, will surely understand, why did this happen, I myself find it difficult to describe those processes in words, which are quite harshly cut off thoughts of learning. Just cut off somehow. И дело в том, what i realized, what the market – this is the element, which simply cannot be dealt with. In the cartoon «Ride the wave!» there is such a phrase: «Don't resist the wave. You can't handle her, Cody.» Very correctly noticed and fits the topic of conversation as well as possible. As an analogy, you can draw the following example: the law of nature operates on the market: thrown like a kitten out of a boat and swim. Screamed, запаниковал, lost strength, took a sip of water, went under water – the end! Или забарахтал ручонками и ножонками, kept even breathing, caught something invisible and was able to swim to the boat. So I survived.

And teach-do not teach to row the sand correctly on the shore, lying on my stomach – and the blue cold abyss indifferently closes over you, if something did not have time to grab or if the body missed. And how can something theoretically teach newcomers, if he himself came to understanding just such a nature финансовых рынков?

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Yes, I think, that no theory will give, what is needed. I do not mean, what mm, РМ, feet, etc.. trading chips, including planning, technology, discipline is not needed at all. But there are a lot of books about it! Читай – I don't want to. Я в свое время просто проглатывал Books trading, tried to trade both conservatively and aggressively, with and without feet, on one instrument and on ten at once, one pose and ten… And developed that style and manner, which suits me. Everybody needs to go through this, but without instructions from the outside. For the instructions from the trader will necessarily have the character of duality. That is, it is true, а по другому – wrong. But this is not necessary! Furthermore, reading books, do not take the position of the author as a standard. Just take note, try in practice, criticize his point of view… So I don’t want to act as a measure of the correctness of certain trading principles.. Find your own style!

Besides, does anyone think, that I sleep and see myself surrounded by novice traders as a distributor of tips and tricks? I have no desire for this, ни времени. Не обижайтесь, but I am an egoist, I think first of all about myself and my loved ones. And also about investors, but that's another story, I'll tell you a little later.

For the future: if you suddenly read information on my blog, what I am taking on training know, that the panda started senile insanity and I fell into madness. And therefore, under no pretext, do not agree to become my disciple, because in this post I have put my sound, well-considered decisions and conclusions and do not intend to change them.


Therefore, I say goodbye, all good luck and profits. Boring day today – weekend in the USA. Торговля никакая. Остается только нисать такие вот статьи. See you!

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