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so, let's sum up the results of the competition «And the meaning — 2013″.

I decided to split 100 prize dollars between the following participants (on 20 dollars to each):

Max, for active participation and independent point of view
PanzerNiku, for bent over in a good sense of the word,
Tatiana, as the first and only? girl, took part in the competition,
Adelveis, for sincerity,
For a trader from Grodno for thoughtfulness.

I would divide this money among all participants, but the budget is limited.

I will transfer the indicated funds to your cats, which you must indicate from those emails, which were indicated when writing comments on the blog (PanzerNik can be omitted). Пишите на admin (dog) your z wallet, try to do it quickly, while i'm still with you.

Thank you all for participating and commenting on the blog., no matter, why did you leave them, for prizes, for participation or just as thinking out loud.

Understand one simple thing. I would like, so that traders and those, who comes to financial markets have learned to think deeper and wider, but it turns out like this, that the bulk of people in this business — rather limited people, who are attracted by some kind of invented freedom and money. Lots of parasites and idlers. And these DC affiliate programs, bonuses, referrals contribute to, that I delete dozens of shkolota comments, inviting plankton get a freebie. There is no freebie. Надо работать, учиться, что-то делать. Now in general, manipulation of the consciousness of the masses is massively used.. In all areas.

At the request of blog readers «Zen Trading»: how to get the 186 624 dollar passive income for 6 years?

As for freedom, then many replace their slavery at the place of wage labor with slavery from charting and trading, closing in on the stock exchange, рыночном шуме, some predictions and analyzes. Hanging on forums with endless chatter about nothing, meaningless conversations, from which there will be nothing good and useful on this planet. If God was, he would look up at the newly arrived trader in heaven and read in the book of his life — «euro will go to 1.36″, «pound revised to 1.61″, «+10% за этот месяц», «-12% за прошлый», «ищу инвестора», «discipline is the main thing in the trading system» and other dregs. Maybe, he would be very sad, would give up…

  Life style

Well, what about the money — it's just money. Only the poor in spirit and in body think of them with lust.. You just need to be able to earn them, since this is a necessary condition of life. Both your income and the way you make money are indicators of your social maturity.. Don't just go to the other extreme, when the material is rejected and a person is immersed in dreams and dreams, becoming dependent, parasitizing on the kindness of others.

Remember: health comes first, children, a family, parents, ecology, nature. It is important to maintain a sense of fullness in life and the joy of, that you can do something to help others. I've felt something sometimes lately, what can be called love. When you feel unity with the whole world and such a phenomenon as negative, злость, resentment and hatred are absent as a class. You suddenly become part of the wise, boundless, loving, shining light. It doesn't look like that, what i have been practicing, when I followed the directions of popular pop literature, encouraging to cultivate positive thoughts. This feeling of light and love came from the depths, from the very core. Maybe over time I will experience this feeling more and more and longer.. I would like that. And I wish it to you.

In recent years, it was very boring with those people, who trade the markets. One wish: just turn on your head and think. Money doesn't make you happy on its own.. Positive images and affirmations won't make your life meaningful.. You buy yourself a laptop, then the car, then a yacht, even if we assume that it will happen, but consciousness does not develop at the same time. If you are stupidly trying to attract wealth to you, not realizing that, what lives inside your heart, you will get unhappiness and dissatisfaction, conflict with yourself and the world.

We have no right to consume happiness, without producing it. Bernard Show

This question about meaning was not for me, and for you. The point for me is, what am I asking the universe to show, what's hiding outside 5 чувств, data to a person. What Buddha Felt, Christ, Muhammad, how they saw this world? I ask you to show it to me, it's clear, something, what are we seeing — there is an illusion, 0,0001% from the whole, which we can catch with our undeveloped organs.
However, I am again carried away in my reasoning, but I can afford to do it one last time, for this post draws the line under everything, what's on the blog. At the moment I am completing a Zen trading project. I don't need to prove anything to anyone, I do not learn anything new for myself and do not need approval from the outside. Everything, what I have come to over the years is outlined in my course Forex for beginners, which is still readable.

  Tell pliz..

I put aside a notebook covered in small handwriting. And grateful for all those situations and insights, with which life has awarded me.

All happiness and inspiration in the New 2013 year. Don't lose yourself in this tough and, Nevertheless, infinitely good world. Don't squeeze love out of you, if you don't feel it, don't frown, if kindness shines from your eyes. Просто позвольте себе быть самими собой.

thanks again. God willing, see you

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