Help resolve the dilemma

Hello, friends!

So I decided to share the topic, that does not get out of my head for a long time, then floating up, then hiding somewhere in the depths of the subconscious.

For some reason, almost all of us enjoy, that we feel our own importance and need. And many people try to realize themselves in this way, in order to receive feedback from society in the form of attention from their activities, positive emotions, support and words of approval.

However, someone turns this principle inside out and strives not for positive reactions from the outside, but to any attention as such. Even negative. Do nasty, meanness, destroy or destroy something, just to be noticed. Ломать — do not build, Yes?

Однако важно понимать, that such a person seeks internally for positive attention, it's just that this level is unattainable for him or he doesn't know, how to do it. Throwing shit on a fan is much easier..

And so I think, how great it would be to create such a resource, service, where people could receive income above banking with minimal risks and without any pyramid elements.

So far in my head only in relation to financial markets — pamm accounts system.

For example, 10-20% per month of net income for investors. Risks are small, within 3-5% for a deal.

But then questions arise:

1. Is it good, when a person invests and receives passive income in this amount? Wouldn't that ruin him? After all, if you take everything to the absolute, then many will simply stop working and will suffer from idleness? Who wants to sweep the streets, to bake bread, to build houses, if you can take a loan stupidly and live happily ever after? A person gets used to good things very quickly..

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And on the other hand,, if a person has an additional source of income — he will rest more, travel, share gifts with others, eat more delicious food, buy more expensive and high quality things… He will live more fully.

These contradictions did not arise out of nowhere.. I do not know of a single project with a similar meaning., which would not fall apart like a house of cards — all these funds, managing traders: Barishpoltsy, Kalinichenko, Kondakov right now from the same opera. MMM and other pyramids, HYIPs… There are many examples and not a single one, which would show, that the growth of well-being for all is possible.

Take even economic crises! Within states and countries, в том числе тех, who are leading in terms of living standards. Periodically shakes them like this, that people remember the need, hunger and deprivation. Why is it done and why it happens? Laws from above? You can't be rich and happy? You definitely need to poke your head in everyone's shit? Or is it an indicator of low self-awareness of human society, which one gets, what has grown at this stage? Но тогда, sorry, there are no prerequisites for optimism, because throughout history the same thing happens. War and famine are regularly interspersed with prosperity and abundance, and the latter does not last long..

The first panacea for a poorly governed country is currency inflation, the second is the war; both bring temporary prosperity, both bring ultimate doom.
Ernest Hemingway

2. When a positive reaction starts to flow — it always motivates and pleases. But over time you notice, how this feedback mutates and turns into a kind of black hole. Roughly speaking, there is a feeling, that you volunteered to bring an elderly man a bag to the subway, and you have already passed the metro, passed the quarter, but behind it there is still a turn and also in the course of movement they put something in the bag and it is getting heavier and heavier and it seems like you can't leave this bag, although obviously, that something went wrong.

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In the last post I am looking for a trader, I wrote about that, what is demotivating in trading.

The question sounds like this: in relation to our pamm account — when that moment comes, when the feedback to the manager turns into a burden and draws energy from him instead of, to fuel it?

After all, there are many investors, who come to the manager, start to terrorize him, claim profit or express their disapproval, just distract from work…

How to avoid it?

3. I want to live and work like this, so that my activity does not contradict the laws and orders of the Universe. Create utopia — do not want. But give up ideals — too. Repeat the path of the aforementioned individuals with the same ending — I have no desire. Then give me clear answers to the question: how everything works on this planet?

While there is no clarity and understanding of goals — you can't do something right. And start, guided by the installation «to hell with all of it! Начинай, and we'll see…» do not want.

And so I sit, looking at the sea, On sky, on birds and I think…

Pink bloom, which is common to many people and manifests itself in statements «we all create our reality», «the world was made for you», «happiness and prosperity for all» very quickly removed with an emery cloth of this very world and society.

Reality Transurfing, laws of attraction, visualizations — Work. But somehow in its own way, as if we see what is happening under the spotlights on the stage, while in unlit areas a completely different action is happening.

There is one inherent mistake for all - this is the belief, as if we were born to be happy.
Arthur Schopenhauer

I apologize for the confusion, but it didn't work out differently.

I am trying to figure this out so, to go further without deviating from the goal and understanding, для чего я это делаю. But while I see a swamp in front of me, in which you can get bogged down and die, and in the end it turns out, that there was no need to climb there at all.

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Just like in a joke

Wolf fell into one pit, лиса, bear and horse. Well, they sit there and the animals wanted to eat. Well, then we have consulted, and decided to eat the horse. Та им:
— Boys, yes no problem, I understand everything! Just fulfill your last wish.
— Certainly, what's the question!
Horse: - As a child, my mother made an inscription on my hoof, I want to know before I die, what is written there!
They rushed to watch. Horse grunt hooves! The fox and the wolf immediately died, and the bear is all broken:
— Yamayo! Why did I climb to watch, I can't read!

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