political paradoxes or listening to Bernenke

there is a certain Bernie Sanders – junior Senator, Vermont (D). he asks questions of Ben Bernanke. He speaks, I have initiatives, listen and comment. initiative No1 – Wall Street controls themselves. – it is necessary to change the ratio of representatives in the boards of banks FED. OK, думаю я, not so simple, but the initiative deserves attention. but further more. Bernie Sanders adds, The Fed pays the banks % on non-mandatory reserves and this deters funds – they don't get into the real economy – I'm going to ban this whole thing and generally force banks to pay for non-use of reserves. и тут подумалось мне, if the person who asks Bernenke's questions doesn't understand how the system works, then maybe you should not be demanding of European politicians or Ukrainian. policies by definition without the slightest idea, how monetary policy works, financial system, etc..

  Ugly deal
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