Paul Tudor Jones / Paul Tudor Jones

Paul Tudor Jones II was born 28 September 1954 years in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. Paul Jones graduated from the University of Memphis, and later at the University of Virginia, he received a degree in economics. IN 1976 year quite successfully participated in the boxing championship in welterweight.

He started his business career at 1976 year from the position of a clerk and soon grew to a broker at E.F. Hutton». With 1980 for two and a half years Paul was an independent trader. Then he went to Harvard Business School, but soon realized, something, what is taught in this school is not the same knowledge, which he wants to get. Therefore, he abandoned the idea of ​​further education and asked for support and advice from his relative, William Danawant., specialized in cotton trade. William Danavant sent him to New Orleans, what would Jones talk to and big broker Eli Tallis, who offered him a pretty good job. Jones begins trading cotton futures on the New York Cotton Exchange.

IN 1980 Paul founds Tudor Investment Corporation, which is a leading investment fund, headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut. During the first five years, the fund yielded more than 100% per annum. IN 1986 G. the fund has earned 99.2% per annum, this decline upset Jones – he regarded the year as unlucky. Certainly, affected the scale: the fund was not yet too large at that time. By managing small amounts, you could not be afraid of a strong market response to your trading manipulations.

Paul's partner in the fund was Peter Borish, a fan of computerized market research methods.. He was mainly engaged in research and the search for new opportunities.. Subsequently, Peter left Paul and became a large and independent trader.. The conflict of interest in the partnership was initially established, despite years of joint and very profitable work. Peter was a fan of mechanical trading systems, and Paul traded manually, no idolatry of technical indicators. Little of, never hid it and traded, guided mainly by their instincts.

  Press conference

Jones was not always successful. IN 1993 G. the main partner left him – Peter Boris, whose developments were not in demand in the Tudor Investment fund. Paul Tudor Jones II, meanwhile, opened branches in Europe and Southeast Asia., increased staff. Compared to competitors, the results looked weak, Seemed, the fund lost momentum. Eventually, some clients rushed to withdraw money from the fund. To the beginning 1994 G. from assets, exceeding $1 billion, remains only $700 million. But the new year brought a lot of surprises. Most funds have suffered losses, and Tudor Investment resisted and even earned 9%. Jones has always believed unconditionally in his success.. He never stopped developing the foundation and, determined, reinvested in it 85% your personal income. It won over many, and in terms of the number of assets attracted to management, Tudor Investment gradually came out on top. New markets and new countries fell under the influence of the fund.

As a result, Paul Tudor Jones II established himself as one of the best traders in the world., created an outstanding reputation as a master of money management and built a reliable super profitable business, based on solid risk management principles. By this time, everyone in the financial world had already unconditionally recognized, that Paul Tudor Jones has a phenomenal talent for making money, multiplied by colossal performance. Today, investors from 35 countries. Among them are funds of funds, private investors, banks, specialized asset funds.

On 1 June 2007 of the year Jones' firm managed the capital in 17,7 billion dollars. Paul Tudor Jones was married to the Austrian model Cini Jones, they have four children. Its capital is approximately estimated at 3,3 billion dollars. In March 2007 year, according to Forbes magazine, Jones occupied 369 place among the richest people in the world.

  William Delbert Gunn / William Delbert Gann
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