Хотите верьте хотите нет, но я never played poker and didn't even know the rules. Until recently. Although everyone was playing around me.

I was deliberately not interested in him, because. всем известно что у меня раньше был тильтованный Trading, so the potential hobby for poker also scared me :)

Right now, there has been no such thing for a long time and exactly a week ago (13 May) I have NOT refused to play live poker.
After that I watched some vidos, played online and of course I have a lot of impressions and all that.

My personal comparisons with trading (the first thing that catches your eye):
1) The hardest part of poker – make opponents pay for your monsters (on the exchange: Vernyakov) on the hands to the maximum, when they are.

On the exchange, such a problem is faced only by the market maker, probably :) Physicists have any bet – it's like microscopic ALL-IN relative to the rest of the stacks, which everyone calls and does not sweat.

2) On the stock exchange, ordinary players cannot influence the market. In poker, you can control your opponent.. It can be influenced. It can be pushed through, regardless of, what is your position. This opportunity is simply there.. This is a plus in poker..

Imagine, that you opened a LOSS SHORT. Then they convinced the market, that he was wrong and the market paid you for it in the end!!))  At the same time, your position is a plus and never went out.! fuck, Yes?!))

3) If we take away the psychology, then technically trading on DEMO is similar to trading on real.
В покере же, the experience of playing with newbies will not add to you experience for playing with the pros. They just play differently. For example 3 a bet on the flop is likely to be a bluff for the pros, and for beginners, a sign of a monster in their arms :) Well, etc. So to learn poker – you have to play right away with the pros (so far such an opinion).

  Let's, Dimon, do not let me down!
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