Покажи стейтмент. Addition to the previous post.

From a previous post, the three-year period since 2011 to 2013 of the year, where the flat is visible on equity with the naked eye, compared to other sites.

& quot; crooked looks sad–almost three years since April 2011 without money"
& quot; 2 years flat"
`` It turns out that since June 2011 to June 2013, I had a good drink"

In this case, it is appropriate to recall Einstein's theory of relativity, who claimed to be right like those, who sees that the glass is half full, and those that the glass is half empty. When applied to equity, this can be interpreted as the fact that sharp sections of equity rise are perceived as standard profitability., and flat ones are flat, but can be perceived as something, that steep slopes are super profitable, and flat as standard yield.

So I just took and asked for equity this `` problematic" three-year period. And this is what happened:

As we see, 67.5% profitability is difficult to call flat.

Yes, 2012 year turned out with minimal loss, This is true. It happens, but still :)

И к тому же, slightly better benchmark(SP-500), who has been in a bull market all this time, with minor corrections.

And the last. I foresee a logical question: `` And if we started trading in April 2011 of the year, then two years would be in a drawdown?"

Answer: Not. If I started in April 2011 of the year, then I would not have those futures positions that I opened at the beginning of the year and which I gave most of the profit in April-May. when the tracking stops were triggered, closing positions and fixing profit. So that, there would be no peak of April 2011 years on equity.
The only problem area has been since October 2012 years to the end 2012 of the year — Over there, really, пилило.

  No i am Byron, I am different....
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