Spied on in the tape.

“Russia will not, and never was, such haters, envious, slanderers and even outright enemies, как все эти славянские племена, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe will agree to recognize them as liberated!

And don't mind me, do not dispute, don't yell at me, that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs! I, against, I love the Slavs very much, but I will not defend myself, because I know, that everything will come true exactly like that, as i say, and not low, ungrateful, будто бы, the nature of the Slavs, совсем нет, – they have a character in this sense, like everyone else, – namely because, that such things in the world cannot happen otherwise. Распространяться не буду, but I know, that we do not need to demand gratitude from the Slavs, we need to prepare for this ahead. They will start, upon release, your new life, повторяю, exactly from that, what will they beg for themselves from Europe, from England and Germany, for example, guarantee and protection of their freedom, and even though Russia will be included in the concert of the European powers, but it is in defense of Russia that they will do it.

They will certainly begin with, what's inside yourself, if not straight out loud, will declare to themselves and convince themselves that, that they do not owe Russia the slightest gratitude, against, that they barely escaped the lust for power of Russia at the conclusion of peace by the intervention of a European concert, do not interfere Europe, so Russia, taking them away from the Turks, swallow them right away, “meaning the expansion of borders and the foundation of the great All-Slavic empire on the enslavement of the Slavs to the greedy, cunning and barbaric Great Russian tribe”. For a long time, about, for a long time they will not be able to recognize the disinterestedness of Russia and the great, святого, unheard of in the world in raising the banner of the greatest idea, of those ideas, with which man lives and without which mankind, if these ideas cease to live in him, – stiffens, cripples and dies in ulcers and impotence. The current, for example, the nationwide Russian war, all Russian people, led by the king, raised against the monsters for the liberation of the unfortunate nations, – did the Slavs finally understand this war, как вы думаете?

  7 Russian shares for the pension portfolio

But I won't talk about the present moment, besides, the Slavs still need us, we free them, but then, when we release them and they get settled somehow, – they recognize this war as a great feat, undertaken to free them, decide it? Yes, for nothing in the world they will not recognize! Against, put up as a political, and then scientific truth, what do not be in all these hundred years the liberator-Russia, so they would have managed to free themselves from the Turks a long time ago, by your valor or the help of Europe, That, again, don't be in the world of Russia, not only wouldn’t have anything against their release, but she herself would have set them free.

They probably already have this cunning teaching., and later it will inevitably develop with them into a scientific and political axiom. Little of, even Turks will be spoken of with great respect, than about Russia. May be, a whole century, или еще более, they will constantly tremble for their freedom and fear the lust for power in Russia; they will curry favor with European states, will slander Russia, gossip on her and intrigue against her.”

Dostoevsky F.M. November 1877 G. Dostoevsky F.M. Writer's diary. – SPb.: Classic ABC, 2005. With. 373-375.

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