Let's support WWF, friends!


You, I guess, noticed, что у меня на блоге висит баннер WWF с пандой. This is my contribution to the cause, which this organization does. I really believe, that environmental issues require constant participation and attention. Good, what are people, who deal with these issues, worried about the environment. For example, Sir Richard Branson, book author, one of which I wrote in the article К черту все, take it and do, founder of Virgin corporation, keeps the focus on the environmental component in its business and production.

Previously, we already took part in the WWF Earth Hour action and collected the necessary 100 000 signatures in support of the bill, focused on the protection of the seas. Forests need protection now…

Pine Forest

I quote from WWF's appeal to all concerned citizens:

Today we have a new ambitious task and we again need a minimum 100 thousands of votes to achieve our common goal - to ban industrial felling in protective forests.

Created many decades ago, the network of protective forests makes up almost a quarter of the total area of ​​the forest fund in Russia. Its important function — preserve the country's key resources: питьевую воду, soil fertility, stable climate and clean air. These forests are also the most valuable resource for harvesting forest food., hunting and fishing. The protective forest network has served its purpose well for many decades, and at the same time played another important role: protected millions of hectares of the most valuable territories for the biological wealth of Russia from the negative impact of humans.

Almost everyone in Russia has come across protective forests, even sometimes without knowing, that they are so called. For example, every piece of forest on the banks of any river, brooks, lakes and seas are a protective forest, water protection zone, whose width can be from 50 to 500 m. Green areas are highlighted around most cities, which also belong to protective forests. Many of the northern cities of Russia are completely located in the strip of pre-tundra forests - the largest category of protective forests in terms of area., located along the border with the tundra.

However, in 2009-2010 yy. the legislative basis for the special regime of protective forests was changed and for the first time in 70 years, industrial felling became possible in them.

For many years, protective forests have protected us.

Now it's time for us to protect them! We will return to the Forest Code the ban on industrial felling in protective forests!

You can help us collect more signatures!

You can leave your vote here


Thank you all for your participation!


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