Gifts of the Magi to Jesus Christ.

By the way, gifts of the Magi to I. Christ were brought to St. Petersburg, famous character from the ancient book of the Gospel, which they handed to I. Christ immediately after birth. Magi are a type of ancient astrologers, who had already calculated the approximate date of birth of I. Christ in advance and found the place of his birth by the identifying signs of a shooting star. Giving gifts to his mother, they immediately, modestly retired. Then these gifts were kept in various temples in Palestine., but, eventually, settled in Greece on the island of New Athos, where the monks settled.

"Gold was brought to Jesus as King of the Jews, incense — like god. Calm (myrrh) — expensive fragrance, used to embalm bodies in burial, — as the Savior, To become the Son of Man"

`` The gifts exude a strong fragrance, and when they open, the whole church is filled with fragrance. The holy mountain monks noticed, that the gifts bring healing to the mentally ill and possessed by demonic possession."

Many believers believe these gifts do not only heal the `` insane and demon possessed '', but also all other diseases, and not only diseases, and also fulfill a wide variety of desires, like in A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale `` Golden Fish ''.

Once I went on an excursion, whether it was in Turkey, whether in Egypt — there they took me to some kind of post, which had to be bypassed a certain number of times, making a wish and, as the guides said, it will come true. A woman, по моему, made a few laps, if I remember correctly, but I was too lazy, stood aside.

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