Reading blogs…

… the impression is made, that some people just desperately need to attach a mathematical education (joke). By system (strictly speaking, it cannot be called a system either, rather, it is a set of rules, empirically identified patterns and their own concepts), once again came to the most banal conclusion – signal on large timeframes, conflicting with the signal on small, in the vast majority of cases, interrupted and absorbed by the younger. This is now very clearly visible in currencies and our liquid stocks., when we see a pronounced flat on the hourly timeframes, and on smaller, trend indicators near the lower border signal “sell”, а у верхней – “buy”. This is where traders come across – трендовикиинтрадейщики – five-minute, trading development movement, at that moment, when it is already in antiphase. Output – always watch timeframes, not less than an hour, and follow the mainstream, as correctly noted in the comments. Strange, but it is this most banal rule that many do not follow, Expecting, that the breakdown will take place right now. Certainly, there are still a bunch of different features, when breakdown, really, Happens, but I do not plan to disclose them yet.

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