read: Surf Tales. About water, people and surfing. Nikita Zamehovski-Megalocardi

I took the bike and rolled it out into the street. There was no goal — i just started pedaling, turning onto the bike path, then for fun — on an unfamiliar street.

Confess, I felt a little sad in my soul. And I was already beginning to understand why.

We created cities, provided electricity, drove animals into dense forests, leaving pathetic patches of these on the face of the planet. Drained the swamps, carried out amelioration. Even raised virgin soil, provoking irreversible destruction of the soil… But it's the little things.. But our world is safe, Comfortable, Convenient. Go to work and make money, you have already prepared a bunch of toys: Televisions, sofas, houses of death gray concrete, masked by acid colors, cars with 4 liter engines, that they put a nondescript trifle behind their belt, carrying fellow citizens who are less agile in life…

Live — I don't want to!

But sometimes you want to get rid of the heavy and gray breathing of the urban, covered with its shapeless mass «blue sky».

Medieval proverb said: «city ​​air makes a person free». Perhaps it was so, if we compare the situation of serfs and urban dwellers at that time.

Town — it is a complex ordered system. Factory. It brings safety and comfort, but requires a sacrifice in return, taking away something valuable. Thought: not a soul?

I rolled on indifferent to all the asphalt, jumped frowning stubborn curbs, scampered between snorting cars and tired people. Plastic city, plastic people, plastic thoughts. Noticed, what if you live long near stinking garbage, the body gets used to it, and the person ceases to notice the smell. Adaptation, her mother!

In difficult times, I have always been helped out. Books and reading. I ended up at the bookstore and went inside. But for the first time I felt unwell near the bookshelves. Not understanding what's the matter, I began to listen to the sensations and followed the headlines with my eyes. Be motivated… Achieve… Become… Sell … Do It… They pressed on me, squeezed ribs, like i was on the subway, and the crowd, squeezing with its claws on all sides, brought in the last car. You could raise your legs and hang, as if in zero gravity — you were pushed onto the train anyway. But I don't need to go there, I rushed away from the dungeon into the light and air. Where are you dragging, damned Herods!

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A little dumbfounded, I walked out of the store and drove my Trek Fuel trail forward., Feeling, but, complete immobility. Remember, like in a movie «The Matrix»? The human body is locked in a cell, and his mind is shown bright pictures, instilling a sense of change and freedom of choice.

I've been watching my favorite cartoons lately., one of which is Surf's Up. And right now I wanted to know more about surfing. May be, I just let myself think for a moment, that too could get on the wave?

All in all, started googling information, read articles. Found on the same Oz.Bay a book by Nikita Zamekhovsky-Megalokardi «Surf fairy tales. About water, people and surfing». author — surfer, poet, writer. A person close to me. Ordered. You had to wait 10 days. I wanted to quickly. Helped in publishing «Mann Ivanov and Ferber», special thanks to Vera Yozhkina.

Read it quickly, but not in one gulp — drank by the throat. One fairy tale. Slowly.

I was more and more clearly aware of the deep reasons for my condition.. 7 years I have been in the financial markets. God does not know how much, but not a little. Quarter life. You know, what turned out to be the most memorable and expensive, for my, cynical, hearts for 7 years? well, in addition to friendship and fun communication with like-minded people in the first year or two, most of which, Disappointed, quietly left this sphere with losses? So here, my friends. The most unforgettable experience was, when did you catch the wave, entered the market following the trend and keep up with it throughout the days, weeks. Rushing, picking up speed, increasing risks and capital, feeling one with a mighty and unimaginable mass, composed of the thoughts and opinions of millions of investors, their fears and hopes. Nothing compares to this feeling.

  we are all doomed!

Maybe, it's akin to that, how to race on a board in Chopu in Tahiti or Pipeline in Hawaii in a unified fit with 30 foot wave, hanging its gray beard over the eccentric bipedal insect, imagining herself equal to God.
Intraday Trading — more safe, predictable and profitable compared to trend trading. But it resembles in emotionality the dull swaying of the body in the paddling pool near 3 star turkish hotel.

Rhetorical question: is it possible to exchange one for another?

I am grateful to Nikita and his team for the book, for the mood, for surfing, for thoughts and thoughts. Grateful for his respect for the ocean. Reading fairy tales, I forgot for a short time, where I am. The matrix of the city was losing my callsigns and I was connecting to something long forgotten, ancient, Holy. To that, what I've been looking for in the markets for so long, losing money, investor confidence and self-confidence after another financial wipeout.

Once upon a time in childhood, in our closet section, next to the crystal sets, there was a large shell from the Black Sea.. Parents told us, what if you put it to your ear, you can hear the sound of the surf. We listened and, certainly, Heard.


«Surf fairy tales» Nikita — it's like a shell, for adults only. To man, guarding his sleep and peace, in no case should you read this book. After all, if the unfortunate, contrary to common sense, start and listen to your heart — he will feel a breath so ancient inside, so powerful, that a short circuit and failure of the transmitter may well occur, tuned urban. What is a city, house-boxes, intersections with traffic lights and hypermarkets versus the elements, gave life to everything on earth? Everything plastic and superficial will be washed away by the very first blue-green shaft and the resulting void will have to be filled with something.

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Everyone must answer this question for himself..

My world
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