read: "Autobiography". Benjamin Franklin


This, perhaps, my last blog post, for he already has a new owner.

In the end, I want to say thank you again to everyone for your participation and comments., for visits and just for your attention.

But don't worry! For everything is for the best and I really hope, that thanks to the free time I will be able to bring something new and interesting into life.

As for the autobiography. I don’t know why it wasn’t presented to me before. Небольшая, written in clear and simple language and as you can see — people lived 300 years ago with the same materials, as now.

Benjamin himself, whom we all know how «face of 100 dollar bill» tries to write sincerely about his life and about the life of his friends and acquaintances. It's America's birth time. All people organized from scratch. And Franklin, not being an aristocrat, proved to be a very active and competent person, who at a certain moment took the helm of the ship in his own hands and swam in the direction he had chosen.

From the autobiography it is clear, that he was not perfect, was flawed and made mistakes. But he also had enough virtues.

This book made me understand three things:

1. People tend to forgive themselves for weakness., but others are not forgiven. Franklin is no exception in this regard.. For all his mistakes, he does not engage in humiliation., but looks at it as a petty absurdity. But he did not forgive some things to other people., at least spoke very unflattering, while, that he wrote his autobiography at a very old age and, in theory, he had to forget and forgive everything.

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2. Perfect people don't exist. Ideal relationships too. Constantly some kind of conflicts, суета, confrontation. But thanks to his cunning, репутации, diplomacy, he knew how to turn everything to good. Benefit not so much for yourself, how much to your projects and ideals, in which he believed and which were aimed at public welfare. Although I'm exaggerating here a little. He was not an altruist. And did that, what brought him joy and pleasure. It's just that these projects were public and improved the lives of many people.. It makes sense as a factory owner. He needs, so that everything works and there is order. And someone might think, what drives all this desire to improve people's lives.

3. The meaning of life and your goals must be sought in public life. Only by satisfying your own selfish desires is not to saturate this inner craving. I, apparently, I was looking in the wrong place all this time. All in all, you have to go to society, to people. Crawl out of monitors and networks, yoshkin cat.

It will be curious for traders to know, that the person is more happy, when it works. As I understand it — works physically, а не пялится в монитор и charts.

Here's how the author writes about it:

so, our fort, - if this loud name is applicable to
pathetic palisade, - was ready within a week, although we walked every other day
such heavy rains, that we couldn't work.
The latter circumstance gave me a chance to notice, what when people
busy with work, they have a better mood.
In those days, when our people worked, they were good-natured and cheerful.
They had fun evenings, сознавая, that we did a good job during the day.
But in the days of forced idleness, they were irritable and grumpy,
looking for flaws in pork, bread, etc.. and constantly stayed
в плохом расположении духа. It reminded me of one marine
captain, made it a rule to keep his people constantly
работой; when one day his assistant reported, that all the work
redone and that there is nothing more to occupy the ship's crew, he replied:
"Make them clean the anchor.".

And I will cite one more quote as an interesting observation of Benjamin and accurately characterizing human nature.:

The chaplain was with us, zealous Presbyterian priest, Mister
Bitty. He complained to me, that our people are not all and do not always visit
his prayers and sermons. When the squad was recruited, it was promised,
that in addition to wages and food, the recruits will be
get a quarter pint of rum, which they were regularly given two
Times: half portion in the morning and half portion in the evening. I've noticed, that they are very
exactly followed her. So I told Mr. Beatty: "May be,
it is unworthy of your profession to act like a steward, раздающему
rum; but if you were handing it out yourself, and only after prayers,
they would all be around you ". He approved this thought, took on her
execution and with the help of a few helpers, who measured
rum, successfully implemented it. Prayers have never been attended like this
punctually by all our people; so i think this method is better
punishments, which is prescribed by some military laws for
non-attendance at worship.

What else to say in the end. Bloggers were once my role models. They were read, they were popular. I like that redneck Martin Eden looked at it and admired. And when I started my blog, to some extent, I began to compensate for my own low self-esteem — I joined! It's like some epaulettes or a post — super important and immediately fills with strength =)

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But this strength is unreliable. Like after methandrostenolone pills or retabolil shots in the ass. Does not last long and goes away after the termination of the course. So to some extent I get rid of «химии» In my life, leaving the blog to a good person, and switch to a healthy diet, paying attention to real values ​​in life.

My person can fully attribute these words of Benjamin Franklin from his Autobiography:

He wanted to please everyone and everyone, but since almost
could not give anything, then made promises. In all other respects he was
способным, a prudent person, good writer and good
governor for the common people, but not for their constituents -
собственников, whose instructions he sometimes neglected.

So there is work to do. This bald man is far from perfect and has done a lot., but I love him and wish him, so that he achieves his goals and is useful to society.
well, with God, Paraska, and God bless you all the best

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