Why I decided to leave Forex

Hello, friends!

I started trading in 2007 year in Brokos in the futures market. I liked the futures market. Wood, cotton, coffee, gold, oil… However, after, how I quarreled with the management of the company and personally with Maltsev after the incident with the theft of my idea for a traders' contest, case with margin manipulation on my account, when I dispersed the depot in 250 раз на той-же пшенице, remembering the cheating on the same grain earlier and the lousy court of traders with Tsoi at the head, when hiding behind authority figures from the Procapital forum, now owned by Pantheon Finance, traders of this company were simply thrown — switched to forex.

Well, there were no more alternative companies with the same trading conditions and the number of instruments.

And now I decided leave forex.

I loved him. Big shoulder, strong movements, low commissions. Certainly, the foreign exchange market is not the most understandable phenomenon in nature and the number of instruments in fact — фикция, since all currencies are somehow affiliated with each other.

Frequent slippage, widening the spread in the thin market, increased volatility and lack of adequate foundation underfoot. What is the foundation of crosses and basic pairs, in addition to the supply-demand of large players or those, who wants to take off their feet?

I defended forex as best I could, including blog and smartlab. It's not his fault, что ДЦ используют этот бренд в своих кухонных целях, pouring a large ladle of tar into this keg: cent accounts, moronic marketing, spam and phone calls with an offer «replenish, and we will give you a bonus» And others. It's not his fault, what gives traders such a big leverage, as a result, many simply out of bewilderment drain, without even understanding, how to calculate a loss on an open position. It's not his fault, that everyone can get on it, who has several tens or hundreds of dollars. Truth leave forex few succeed with money.

  Another bike ride

But it's time to realize, which side are you on and make a choice, distance from idiots. There are certainly good people and companies in the forex industry, but they are few and everything is only getting worse. They have no chance, if they work honestly, because scammers use such schemes to withdraw funds from players, which enable them to offer «the best conditions in the forex market»!

Пришла пора leave forex. Thank you for that invaluable experience and knowledge., that fell on my head in this market.

But I want to live on the bright side.

And the problem is not in the Forex market as such., but in those, who is his «does» and associated with him.

No need to fight for a "new system", if you want change. For this you need to offer something, how the old system will go out of use.
Jacques Fresco


And let the circus continue to distribute awards and prizes «for the development of the forex market» And «инвестиционных услуг и сервисов» based on forex companies, that grow like mushrooms after rain.

By the way, — I am not encouraging forex traders to follow my lead! It's about me and my worldview.

Unfortunately, на тот же российский рынок выходить — I have no desire. Phoenix wrote about the Moscow Exchange (читаем статью 10 years of LCHI and or Requiem for a Dream) — это позор. И ничего не изменится, no matter how much he ran on the Internet with his proposals.

On NYSE — I have no desire. For many reasons, which I see no reason to talk about.

Сейчас выбираю банк с доступом на фьючерсный рынок. Treasure, the toolkit allows you to use all the previous experience gained with some amendments.

May God grant you health, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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