why is everything so bad with ukronalists

so not that, what a question, not that, so that they are concerned about the answer (boringly state) the nation-famous woodcutters of truth with a word on stone, in view of the worthiness of this occupation, товарищчи. сори, кто понял, тот понял, who is not, вот и замечательно.

from my side, I decided to look for the truth in numbers. for example, how many onaliteks we have? since you need to compare with something, you can compare the number of analysts with the capitalization of the index.

let's take the USA. capitalization S&P 500 approximately 11500 billion. $. in the segment & quot; securities, commodity contracts, investments" busy 796 000 human.

let's take Ukraine. capitalization of the UX Index is approximately 10,6 billion. $. how much should be employed in Ukrainian securities, commodity contracts, investments"? right: (10,6 billion * 796 thousand) / 11500 billion = 727 human. the truth is not by orders of magnitude different?)

but if you take in % from population, then in the USA this % commercials in 160 times more (0.2564% against 0.0016%). this effect is obtained from, what is our capitalization to GDP (and if you also take freefloat) you know where and how.

Yes, these are all just numbers and they don't say anything. problem, if she certainly is, lies in the psychological plane. In general, everything is somehow strange here. those who do something meaningful rarely feel it. and vice versa. well, we will have more Gini coefficient, than all sorts of official estimates.

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