Why you don't need to go to trading

Recently spoke with a friend, told him about, that I trade on the stock exchange. He became interested, and as soon as I explained, how everything is in reality - wilted and lost all interest. Pleases, what man was saved, even though the money is not about ...

And then it dawned on me. Need to explain to all newbies, what are they going to. A lot of people know, what the profession of a trader gives money, but few, who suspects, what the stockist has to go through at the beginning of the journey.

I decided to write a short essay “16 reasons, by which you should not become a trader ".

Here they are:

1) You have no idea, what are you going for. Your path will be strictly individual, and few people can help you
2) You can learn this about yourself ... about such traits… these discoveries, probably, will shock you
3) You are unlikely to experience this amount of stress anywhere else.
4) You will have to compete with the best minds on the planet every second.
5) Trading – export work, not giving all the best, you won't make money here
6) As soon as you relax, the market will immediately try to fuck you
7) It takes a long time, to adjust, find your style and start earning
8) The market is constantly changing, you have to be on the move and adapt
9) Reaching the "top" and fixing there is impossible. Here, like on an escalator – or you move, or falling down.
10) Few people will be able to understand you, only other traders. A bunch of people will try to lead you astray. Only very confident people will make it to the end
11) You will need support anyway. If you don't have a person in your life, who helps in a difficult situation - mom, dad, sister, brother, wife or husband - you are unlikely to succeed
12) You must have a money airbag, earnings may not be more than a year
13) You cannot trade alone - only in a team you will not break. Creating such a team is not easy
14) You will have to learn to completely relax and rest. This work will be exhausting, and suck out most of the strength. Do not learn to rest - you will lose
15) This is not a game, and serious work - this is where seriousness and a business approach are needed
16) Only 5-10% of novice traders will achieve real success

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If only this part of the pitfalls scares you - do not become a trader.
If scared - the market will make you an omelet.

"This work will make you either a paralytic or a millionaire" My aphorism.

If all this did not confuse you, but only sparked interest - full speed ahead.

Think, you will break through!

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